20. shoot out

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Ashley POV

The next day I woke up with a bad feeling, like something bad was going to happen. So I took necessary actions. Even if my intuition is wrong , we still should be prepared.

After the truth came out yesterday me and Damien went for a private chat. We both talked about our feelings in the past and that we still have a curiousity if we could become something more in the future. So we decided to act on it as we both don't want to regret, ig we would have worked. After all there's no harm in trying. We didn't tell anyone as of yet.

After me and my gang came back home, Luke asked to talk to me. He informed me that Rose and him are finally official after all this secret thing going on between them but I already knew that. We both decided that we should also disclose everything to our parents and Rose as soon as possible. We both think there's no point in keeping this a secret anymore as the person he was hiding from hasn't showed up yet.

We all went to school and I couldn't help but be paranoid. "What did you do again?" Angel asked.

"Me?" I asked her and she nodded. " Nothing. Why do you think I have done something?"

"You're fidgeting like yesterday." She said.

"Just a warning, something might happen today and if we need to then we will get rid of this disguise. Do you understand?" I asked in my serious gang leader voice.

"Yes boss." She said with as much seriousness. I have a feeling they have found us.

"Hey Ash." I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist which made me turn around. It was Damien and as soon as I did that he hugged me. "I missed you." He mumbled.

I hugged him back. "I didn't know you're were clingy, Mr Hastings." I teased him.

"Me? And clingy? In your dreams." He scoffed and I gave out a small chuckle.

"Eww. Gross. I hate pda." Angel scrunched up her face. From my side line I could see Aiden frown. Ugh I see some something brewing.

After the bell rang we all went to our classes. Damien walked me to mine, hand in hand. Some girls gave me nasty glares and most tried not to stare.

We all know were walking to lunch. All of them already went to the cafeteria, while I had to go to the washroom. As I was walking to the cafeteria, I felt something pressed in my back.

"Don't make a mouse and walk to the exit. Don't act smart, you're surrounded." He said and pressed the gun harder. I looked around and yes I was surrounded.

To anyone else it would seem normal, as nobody could see the gun on my back. I just hope they notice my delay and Angel remembers what I said to her earlier.

Soon enough I was standing outside, they were waiting for the cars to come around. "This is just too easy, the fearsome AD is being taken and nobody is there to block us." I could hear them talk between themselves and I smirked.

"Stop!" I could hear Damien shout. Everyone drew their guns out pointing at our gangs. Damien's gang pulled out their guns. Luke and Gray looked at me to give out orders.

"Ring it!" I shouted and Luke pulled out his gun and fired three times in the air. The next was more like a movie scene. More students pulled out their guns and it seemed like everyone was pointing the guns at each other it was a whole chaos. Soon after more cars black cars came around,backup for the rivals.

We were outnumbered. Most of the students were innocent only a few were in our gangs. Some of the students were crying as they were held on gun point.

I looked at Damien and he looked worried for me. I gave a small smile of reassurance. I looked a him trying to convey a message, he nodded as if he understood.

I clapped three times, this was my way of taking a precaution. Soon red dots were being pointed everywhere. I gave a nod at Damien and he looked at my fingers. I counted till three and we both shouted at the same time. "Duck!"

This was a safety precaution our gangs still were taught so I knew he would know that I was already prepared for ambush. I knew he would be mad that I didn't warn him beforehand.

The students all ducked down and our gangs as taught payed on their backs and fired their guns at every possible threat. The rival having no time to think were all falling to the floors. Either injured or dead.

Soon we were out of bullets and there were still left of them hiding. I gave a nod to Diego siblings as in Ray, Gray and Angel to take the students to safety. Other gang members started cleanup and took anyone innocent injured for medical attention.

Me, Damien, Luke and Rose captured the left over and handed them to Kyle and Aiden who took them to the cells we had. All in all it was a huge shootout that needed to be covered silently. It was a gang war.

After everything was done we went back to the school cafeteria. I got us some bottles of water and we sat around in a table. Others joined us and I counted the heads. One was missing, so I looked around.

"Twins where is Angel?" I asked as they looked around as well. We all jumped up and took off to different direction. I checked the classrooms then I went to outside. "Fuck! Fuck! Angel you dumb bitch!" I screamed and punched a locker creating a dent.

Soon everyone came to the hallway and each of them shaked their head in no.

"Angel has been taken." Aiden stated the obvious with a blank expression.

A/N: Guys I would finish the story soon so don't worry about me not updating.

I had exams till yesterday and my classes against tart from tomorrow. And according to my time I will update after 7pm because that's when my online classes end.

Thank you for 12k reads.

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