Stony and Spideypool

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Requested by Blue-eyedDragon2
I am very sorry that this has taken me so long.

Summary: Peter is Steve and Tony's son and he is getting married to Wade.
Warnings: light language

"You ready son?" Peter turned back to look at his dad, Tony. He nodded.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Peter held in a breath then slowly let it out.

"Ya gonna do brilliantly. Everyone is gonna love you. You've got nothing to worry about." Tony brought Peter into a hug, then pulled away. "I'm gonna go sit down, Steve will be here in a bit, okay?" Peter nodded again. Tony left and sure enough a few seconds later there was a knock on the door before Steve's head peaked round. Seeing Peter looking at himself in the full length. Steve straightened up and closed the door behind him.

"Hey buddy. Ready?" Peter smiled up at his pops and nodded. "Come on then." Steve put his arm out and Peter linked his own arm with his father's.

The two were now standing at the church doors. The processional music had just began playing. Peter walked down the aisle with his father gradually getting closer to the altar, and to his future husband, Wade. Peter felt like crying. He was so happy. He had never been this happy before in his life.

Wade looked behind him and saw Peter smiling back at him as he came down the aisle. If Wade was going to be completely honest, he was fucking nervous. But a happy kind of nervous. Excited nervous.

*time skip - although I have been to a few weddings and myself been in a mock ceremony (my friends thought it would be funny to volunteer me. It was far from fun) I can't be bothered to do the whole thing and I'm sure you don't want to read that*

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss." Wade leaned down holding Peter's face in his hands and gently kissed him as everyone else cheered and clapped for them. The recessional music began and Wade and Peter walked back down the aisle out of th church, followed by Peter's fathers. Outside the church, the photographer took some photos, with first their families and friends, then with just their bridesmaids and groomsmen, then just the two of them.

While everyone was being directed into the reception hall, Wade took Peter by the hand and led him to the small river. There they stood on the little quaint bridge, away from the crowd, just themselves. Or so they thought. The photographer had managed to sneak a few beautiful photos in. A few minutes later, Wade and Peter entered the reception hall as the DJ announced them as the new Mr and Mr Wilson. It felt a little strange to Peter. He was now Peter Wilson. No longer Peter Stark-Rogers. Peter smiled shyly as Wade led them to the table at the front. They sat in the middle next to Tony and Steve.

Next, speeches were made, and then the food came out. It was magnificent. Natasha had insisted on surprising everyone. She had asked one of her old friends who had a catering company (they had catered for people like the Kardashians and even the President) to cater for the wedding reception. She had pulled all the stops out. It was fabulous. And it tasted even better than it looked.

Soon, the DJ announced the first dance. Wade took Peter's hand and led him to the dance floor. As the music started they began to waltz. The song ended and another began. More people came to the dance floor. Tony interrupted the newly married couple, politely asking if he could have a dance with his son. Wade graciously stepped to the side, where he was tapped on the shoulder. By Natasha. She motioned back to the dance floor and took Wade's hand.

"You are the luckiest guy in the world. It's official." It wasn't normal for Wade to be so speechless, but he was now. He looked at Peter dancing with Steve now and Natasha could see the pure love in the sparkle of his eyes.

*time skip*

It was now time for Wade and Peter to begin their honeymoon. Everyone waved them off as they drove away in a brand new shiny crimson red ferrari, a wedding gift from Tony.

Steve looked down at Tony by his side. He was crying. Steve smiled. "He's still our little boy, no matter how old he gets. Come on, let's go home." So they did. Steve ordered some takeaway while Tony was in the shower, then they cuddled in their bed, watching a movie, before falling asleep.

Hope you like that.
I have not written something this long for a while now so yeah...

Thank you so much for all your support and love and loyalty. I love you all.












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