Chapter 4

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The truth about myself was that I never had a boyfriend. I never kissed anyone nor did I date someone like every girl of my age. At eighteen, it was strange not to have anyone in their lives - or even never had. But most girls didn't train for a living, they stayed at home helping with chores and cooking. Others participated in shows to entertain or worked for some market. Most went out after dinner to meet and have fun with friends but I never felt like mixing in with everyone. I preferred the calmness of being alone surrounded by sand, my brothers' jokes, and my parents' laugh. Even though Seth did go out some nights, I didn't follow every time. After all, he had the right to have his own friends.

But now that I was chosen and making my way to the train, every young girl and boy were approaching me, knowing my name and hugging me. Some I could tell were from my school when I was younger but others I had no clue about. 

They all congratulated me, some girls telling me to write to them and to report any gossips, boys telling me if it didn't work out they would be waiting. Honestly, I felt like I was going on a suicide mission more than to meet someone and maybe get married.

Through my sleepless night, I had made the decision I'd make my parents proud and be a lady for once in my life. I would try to get to know the Prince and might become his wife with a lot of luck. But like I said, this felt like a suicide mission. I didn't even want to be part of this stupid contest. I had to keep reminding myself my family would at least have compensation while I was gone.

''Now sweetheart, hold your tongue and be good. I know you'll be great.'' Mom told me and I almost called her out on that one. Liar. But I held my tongue like she just said.

''I love you too mom.''

I let her go and went into my dad's arms, hugging him even tighter, ''I'll miss you dad.''

''I'll miss you too my little girl. I've heard someone say that if you ask to leave they will let you go. It's always worth trying.'' He confided and I nodded. Maybe this could be another way out... I thought to myself, my resolution already breaking. ''Now be careful.''

I let him go before turning to Seth. For once, we both didn't have the heart to bicker. He held me tight in his arms and kissed my hair, ''You better behave or I'll come to get you in no time.''

''Then I won't behave,'' I said poorly.

''I love you, kae.''

''Love you too.'' 

I looked at them once more before a guard came up to me. Through the helmet covering his whole face, I could see his blue eyes darting around. A strange feeling of déjà-vu came back to me, yet my thoughts went back to where I was about to go.

''Are you ready my Lady?'' He asked and I simply nodded. People yelled as we made our way to the train, their happiness unbelievable. Couldn't they see I didn't want this?

I caught my brother's friends in a tight group, Dale staring intently. Ralph was there waving with Gerry, looking half happy, half scared. I made eye contact with Dale as he jogged to me and I stopped. He hugged me as he tossed something in my hand.

''Be brave and fight for it. You may be the change everyone needs. We'll come and get you if you need.''

''Enough.'' The guard said strictly and pushed him away. Dale stumbled slightly and raised both hands in the air with that arrogant smile on his face. He winked at me before walking away.

The flask remained in my hand and I snuck it in the only pocket that didn't have a hole in it.

My gaze went back to my father fidgeting when I finally climbed on the train and all of a sudden, he started running to me. The train started working and going forward at the same moment but he just sped up, making his way to me.

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