Chapter 6

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The room was on the second floor, one of the furthest. We walked in silence side by side and I could only be grateful for this silent agreement that we wouldn't talk about the Prince anymore. After what I had seen, talking about him would only amplify his self-esteem and destroy mine, and I surely didn't want to contribute to that. As we finally arrived, Wayne turned to me and bowed, ''I hope your journey here gets better.''

''You have already made it less worse.'' I forced a smile and I could see the traits behind his helmet shifting, probably to form a smile as well.

Maids were waiting for me when I got in my room. ''My Lady.'' They said in unison as they curtsied. The smallest and chubbiest had raven hair and sharp traits, with a serious expression on her face. She was standing in front of the two others looking like a leader of this small group and the eldest, probably around her thirties. The one on the right was tall, with short brown hair gathered by a headband. She curtsied the lowest and didn't dare to raise her eyes to me. As for the last one, she was about my height and kept staring at me. There seemed to be a permanent smirk written over her face, kind of arrogant but tolerable. She just seemed self-confident and didn't mind her place in the hierarchy.

''Kaelie. I'm no lady.'' I said softly, my will leaving me as the events caught up to me. I was alone, separated from my family, and surrounded by people who hated me and found me disgusting. I was a big nothing and I didn't know what I was doing here.

The smallest maid stepped up and offered me a gentle smile, ''Let's get you all washed up, it'll be a start. You can't show up like that for dinner.''

''You mean you are going to wash me?'' I asked with round eyes. The fact they would see me naked scared me more than the thought of being surrounded by people who didn't appreciate me.

The third maid laughed heartedly, ''Of course, don't worry, we've seen all types of people naked.'' At that, an incredulous laugh escaped me at the absurdity.

They led me into another room where there was a mirror with a sink on the far wall, a big white bathtub on four legs stood next to the left wall, and many more decorations I didn't see the utility for were spread around. Shelves on my right held a lot of products that smelled too much. As the maids started to pour water into the bath, I hesitantly went to the mirror. I was curious and wondering what was so awful about me at the same time as being scared of seeing what they all saw. I kept my gaze on the floor until I saw the white shiny sink in front of me and closed my eyes. What was so horrible about being ugly? Maybe someone would love me for who I am someday? 

I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Dirt and dried mud was covering my face, sand gathered in clumps in my messy greasy hair, and my clothes hanging loose on me. I was dirty and probably smelled very bad. Every bone on me seemed to stick out from the lack of nutrition and scratches with dried blood mixed with sand grazed my arms. As I stared at all the details that made me horrible, I caught my eyes, the only beautiful things I could think of about myself. Blue with streaks of green. 

This look had never bothered me before, we were all looking the same back at home. And then I realized, I had never minded being loved before, probably because I had never let myself think I was unlovable, I had never stopped to think I might lose everybody dear to me and be left on my own to make friends.

''The bath is ready My Lady.'' I averted my gaze to the floor as they got rid of my clothes and helped me into the hot water. I shivered from delight but after rinsing the first time, the water was already dark brown. It took two other full baths of new water before they started picking beauty products. ''Is there any kind you want?'' The first maid asked gently. I looked over at the shelves. 

''The one that's more subtle,'' I answered and started picking at my dirty nails.

 They gathered some products and started scrubbing my scalp and rubbing fiercely with soap at my skin. As much as I was beginning to feel lighter and cleaner, the scrub was starting to hurt my skin. The smell though was wonderful, something soft and creamy with notes of suede and grass.

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