Chapter 21

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When I entered Garrett's class, he was sitting behind a desk, his eyes glued to a book as usual. I didn't make a noise as I had the past few days. The presentation for our projects would be tomorrow and I had been too concentrated to talk to him anyway. But today was different, a new vibe. I couldn't tell if it was my curiousness or the simple fact that I was stressed out, but I couldn't keep still, stealing glances towards him.

Wayne had gone missing for the past week, the Prince didn't ask me out for a date as all the other girls spent time with him and I still couldn't choose between my two projects. In a way, if the Prince didn't want to spend time with me was very comprehensible since all he wanted from me was to fill a place. We wouldn't end up together and I had made my peace with it, not that I ever wanted to.

And I wished I knew where Wayne was - that just added to my stress.

''Your energy is unsettling my reading, Lady Kaelie,'' Garrett muttered as he turned a page before looking up at me.

''Sorry, I'm just worked up about tomorrow.''

''You shouldn't worry, after what you pulled off at the ball, everyone got their eyes on you.''

''And that's supposed to help me?'' I asked in disbelief.

''Let's just say people love you and are more willing to follow you than they would with Loïka who made a total fool of herself.''

''So you were watching.'' I realized stunned. I never thought he would like to watch that silly competition between girls for a Prince.

''It might be a stupid way of choosing a bride, but it still is how our next Princess will be chosen.'' He pointed out. ''I like politics after all.''

''As long as the next Princess minds the poorer and fights for what is worth,'' I muttered to myself, remembering Dale.

Just as he was about to say something, a knock interrupted us. A guard opened the door before the Prince walked in, full of assurance. His eyes instantly locked with mine, never wavering.

''May I steal Lady Kaelie for the rest of the afternoon please?'' Prince Oliver asked and I smiled at the chance I was being offered. I might get some answers about Wayne's whereabouts. Furthermore, this would make me think about something else than tomorrow.

''Of course, go ahead.'' Garrett barely looked at him and continued to search in his books. The Prince offered me his arm and I reluctantly took it. We walked through the castle and I didn't have a clue of where I was going.

The Prince didn't speak nor did he look once at me as two guards followed us. My mouth decided there wouldn't be a better time to start my interrogation, ''I was wondering where my guard was, I haven't seen him around for a while now.''

He twitched the slightest before he answered, ''He went to check on our soldiers in the city.''

''Oh.'' Was all that could get out. I cleared my throat, suddenly not wanting to continue this 'date' if Wayne was so far away. ''Where are we going?''

''Training room, I need to get my men prepared for the next possible attack.''

''You think it might be soon?'' I demanded and a shiver crawled down my back. I could be the lead of the next attack and that simple knowledge made me feel sick.

''Better be prepared.''

''Would it be alright this time if I trained?'' I crossed my fingers behind my back but my hopes were destroyed as he shook his head.

''You can watch. Women can't train.''

I stopped instantly and let go of his arm, ''Then why am I here?''

Raised wildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora