Chapter 7

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The last girl that came in got back up from her curtsy and I looked over her shoulder to see the King in a bigger chair for diner, at the head of the long rectangular table. I tried to curtsy the same way the previous Lady but I heard some girls snicker to my expense.

''Get up child, who are you?'' The King demanded, his voice loud and filling the whole room.

''My name is Kaelie, Your Majesty.'' I tried to make my voice strong in front of everyone but it was hard with all those stares.

His eyes widened a little before he chuckled, ''Well, you look different.''

I simply nodded with a shy smile and his dropped. As I walked to the table, he interpellated me once more.

''Did I say you were dismissed?'' His voice crawled up my skin and although his voice was calm, I could see he wasn't pleased by my behavior. 

''Dismissed?'' I questioned, the word forbidden to me.

''It means to allow you to leave or end the conversation.'' The Prince answered as he walked to his seat next to his father, his hands working on his jacket's buttons. ''Or is allowing not in your vocabulary either?''

The insult ticked me off and my mouth worked on its own, ''I'm not that dense Your Majesty.''

The King laughed without humor and waved me off with his hand, ''We'll let it go this once.''

I sat down next to one girl with blond hair and a serious face as she quickly averted her gaze away from me. The King got up and hit a knife on his glass, calling for attention. As if he needed to do it

''I am glad to see you have all nicely dressed for dinner. From now on, dinners will be held here with the Prince and myself. Usually, there will be your Queen Lauza, but today she couldn't make it sadly. Before we dig in, we'll start with much-needed rules around here.'' His eyes settled on me a moment, letting the glare give me goosebumps. ''I won't allow any misconduct in the Prince's or any Royalty's presence. You will all attend classes during the following weeks to know how to behave around Royalty and learn our ways in case you are to become the next Princess. You aren't allowed to decide when you leave this place nor when you see the Prince. You have to stay on the second floor at all times unless you are asked otherwise. Finally, you have to follow every order at any cost or you will be hanged publicly.''

My eyes went up to the Prince's face on their own accord only to find him with a straight face, looking away from the table. 

''Now, please, dig in.'' Servers came taking off the metal dome in front of us and I found myself salivating at the plate fuming while a wonderful odor met my nose. Meat with a brown sauce, a mountain of vegetables going from orange to purple, and mashed potatoes were set in front of me, waiting for me to eat.

Without waiting I dug in, unable to stop myself as I gulped down the delicious vegetables I so rarely had in my life and then the potatoes. What have they done with these?

I heard someone snicker in front of me, ''Is she an animal?''

I blushed furiously and looked up from my plate to see everyone staring. I straightened up in my chair and used my sleeve to wipe my mouth. The blond girl next to me, which I think was named Kaytlin, gasped. 

''Do you need a napkin, Lady Kaelie?'' The Prince demanded as he raised an eyebrow.

A knot filled my throat as I saw all those people glaring with disgust and probably thinking I was indeed an animal, ''The Prince asked you a question.'' Jezabel sneered in front of me and I realized she had made the comment when I was eating.

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