Chapter 28

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Garrett was waiting for me at his desk as always. I neared his desk and gave him the diary. His eyes lifted up to my face.

''It was about time you finished it. The first time I read it, it took me only a day to read it twice and scribble in the margins.''

''So you knew she was alive,'' I stated.

''Don't talk about it. This book will go right back to its hiding place and we will never talk about it ever again.'' He countered and placed it on his desk for the time being. I grabbed it back and his eyes shot back towards me.

''I want to read it again.''

To my surprise, he smiled knowingly, ''It won't give you any more answers than it has already done. Trust me.''

''I need to.'' I confided and added, ''So Akeelah.''

''This matter shouldn't be talked out loud either.'' He closed upon that subject.

''Can't I even ask you a list of every Akeelah in the country?'' I whispered and he closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.

''I don't know what you want to do with it, nor would it be a good idea but fine, I will provide it to you if you stop talking about it.''

''Deal. Anyway, we have a much bigger issue at hand. I don't know who is the duke and duchess.''

It didn't take time for Garrett to go all politics on me, taking out pictures of the different people on the council, friends of the royal family, and reciting to me who everyone was. Politics was his cup of tea after all so it was easy for him to go through it all with me. He told me who had a bigger priority to please the people and those who wanted the nation divided still. Of course, politicians wouldn't say it like that, but when they refuse every single want and need from the poorer villages, you could tell that much. It was even easier for him to tell me all about it since he was as well on the council and had known those men for a few years now.

Wayne interrupted us three hours later and I was so glad I could finally go do something else than politics, which was the most boring thing that I had to study. I thanked Garrett for the books he had given me before walking to Wayne.

As I took his arm, he guided me away from my room.

I frowned up at him, ''Am I needed somewhere?''

I heard a nervous chuckle, ''We need to talk remember? And we can't do that where your maids are nor when a guard is posted at your door.''

I followed without saying a word. My stomach did a flip, anticipating what it would all be about. I hadn't forgotten the way he talked so sincerely about getting me out of here and maybe even date.

He looked up and down the hall before opening a door and engulfing us in the semi-lighted space. It was a big room with couches and a balcony.

''It's supposed to be a living room, but no one ever comes here.'' He explained as he got his helmet off.

I smiled as I saw his freshly cut hair and his deep blue eyes staring right back at me.

''Nice hair,'' I commented and his hand immediately went up.

He chuckled lightly, ''I had to do it by myself, and let me say this wasn't easy.''

''Can't you ask maids?'' I wondered.

He seemed uncomfortable a moment, ''I don't let a lot of people touch my hair.''

''How precious is that.'' I laughed, ''I didn't know you had a weak spot for your hair.''

He gave me a half-smile, ''This isn't easy for me to say this so I think I should go right now.'' He took a deep breath and that knot in my stomach came back. ''Since that first day we've met, I keep thinking about you. I love how you care about your family, how you hate everything that is royal but still you make sure you get it right, I love how you take care of others. You are shy and keep mostly to yourself though you like to get out there helping without thinking twice about yourself and I'd like to be the person to take care of you, to learn to love you.''

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