Chapter 33

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I wasn't afraid. I couldn't be.

As the guards unlocked my cell, I took one last look at Wayne. His face fell, our faith only moments away.

''See you on the other side.'' He half smiled, a hand on my cheek before the guards helped me up and pushed me forward. I looked down at the necklace around my neck, praying to Iris to keep him safe.

They cuffed me and we slowly walked down the hall. I looked down at my white dress. My mother would be right, after all, I never married. And so I tried to imagine myself at a wedding instead of looking towards my death. I was walking down the aisle. My father would be by my side, trying not to bolt the other way carrying me in his arms because the guy wouldn't be the right man for his little girl. My mother would be crying, pride and happiness scribbled all over her face. The boys would be sitting next to her, Dale raising his flask to me. Seth standing next to my future husband, a wide smile as he'd try to contain himself for not jumping everywhere. Elizabeth would be my maid of honor, Hayz, Grace, and Linda standing next to her, maybe even Lacy. People from my town would be sitting and waving at me, others from the castle. Then I would look at my future husband.

But the hallucination stopped there, I opened my eyes to see the dark clouds hovering. We were already standing outside.

The rain was there, betraying me for the second time in my life. It was there when I received the letter from the castle. It was there for my death. Or maybe it wasn't betraying me, but helping me out, giving me strength through the memories of my bright days surrounded by my family. Those days I spent with Seth and Dale throwing mud around.

As they stopped before the steps leading to the stage, I looked up, rain washing my face, my makeup running down my face. Pools of white and blue were being cleaned off my face.

''Name: Kaelie Donvallos. Status: Civilian from Vourn. She will be hanged before the Royal family for lack of respect towards them and unfaithfulness towards the Prince.''

My eyes closed while they explained how they would proceed with the execution but I tried to think of something else.

''Are you scared?'' My father would ask me as I raised the arrow towards the heart of a jackrabbit. The animal was only feet away, their heart probably beating as fast as mine.

''No,'' I stated as strongly as I could.

''Good, they can smell fear.''

Seth stood before me, kneeling, his back bleeding from the whip of the guard. Tears streamed down my face as I wanted to reach him, fighting against Dale. It's all my fault, all my fault.

Seth looked up at me, his face was determined. ''Don't be afraid Kaelie, don't give them that satisfaction.''

Dale crouched next to me as I painfully sat up. My hands and knees were bleeding after a bunch of guys had pushed me down repeatedly.

''Why didn't you push them back?'' He wondered.

''I didn't want them to push harder.''

He let out a wry laugh, ''Better learn this now, they will keep pushing until you push back and win.''

I opened my eyes as they pushed me forward. A thought ran in my mind. Was I letting my family down by going on the platform willingly? Would they be disappointed in me for being so reckless? I felt horrible to even think about them watching my execution simply because I wouldn't be able to see them one last time.

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