Chapter 24

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Queen Lauza offered us a day off after all the work we had been doing the past few days for the project and I found myself alone in my room, completely bored. Never had I thought I'd miss my courses, the busy schedule of the castle.

But I did have a lot of time to think everything through, prepare for the worst - being sent home. I even planned on sneaking some dresses out to sell in our village, several girls would kill for them. But I wouldn't part away from the suit from my presentation, the simple reminder of my victory the day before. And my failure to prove my point.

And then there was Wayne. The fight we had was awful, every single word still haunting my mind. I didn't even care anymore that he might not feel the same way as I, I was only hurting from missing my first true friend. He had been so helpful since now, supporting my decisions, being there when I needed him. Maybe my project wasn't as good as I thought if even he didn't like it.

I spent the day playing cards and dice with my maids, still, the day had gone so painfully slow, when night came I couldn't resist sneaking out. I missed the fresh air, the smell of the warm sand in the morning, the feel of the wind on my skin, the sound of birds flying past my head. My maids had left when dinner had arrived at my door and now I was feeling loneliness creep on me.  I took a shawl and walked out only to find a guard posted next to my door.

''Did you need anything, my Lady?'' He asked and I smiled slightly.

''Hi Soldier Tegan, I was just going out for some fresh air.''

''I can't let you leave, my Lady.'' He said apologetically. I was almost surprised to find him so formal.

''What if you came with me? I won't make any attempts to leave.'' I teased and I could see the internal fight he was having.

''Where would you go?'' He asked cautiously.

''The gardens?'' I tried but he vigorously shook his head.

''No way.''

''Okay, okay. What about the front balcony?'' I remembered it as the previous Queen's favorite place.

'' I guess that would be alright.'' Even though I could sense him still hesitant, he looked at both sides of the hallway and then showed me the way.

We walked in silence as he led us to the front balcony. We had to take a flight of stairs to get higher and then make a lot of turns until we arrived in front of a huge door.

''I'll leave you to it, I'll wait here.'' He said and opened the door for me.

''Thank you.''

The night air welcomed me like an old friend, the stars above winking down at me. My breath caught in my throat when my eyes settled down. We could see the villages closer to us, lights lighting up the whole city. The trains were working, silently and efficiently, with only bright lights guiding their way. Everything seemed at peace, another world from the two I'd been leaving in. I let go of my Lady's behavior and leaned on the banister, staring out at the world.

How could a world so full of misery and hurt look peaceful? How could people sleep at night when they had the knowledge there is such a large amount of death in other places of the country? When people sacrificed their lives in order to keep them safe? What did those people do for the good of the country unless eat, drink and have a beautiful life?

The project of the former Queen was such a great idea, probably she never had the time to apply it though. King Philipps might have put an end to it before the announcement, keeping all the good food for the higher classes.

The door behind me opened and I turned around to see Queen Lauza walk forward. She was elegant, as always, and calm irradiated from her.

I hurried in a curtsy to her although I didn't want to. ''What are you doing here?'' The Queen wondered with a surprised tone. She clearly didn't expect anyone to come here.

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