Chapter 12

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''Good morning Ladies. I hope you had a good night's sleep because we will be having a big day today.''

My hands fisted around my gown as I looked around for Lady Sylvia.

''Lady Kaelie, will you do the honors?'' Ms Thompson pinched her lips and I had to detach my eyes from the closed door still not opening on Sylvia.

I curtsied the right way for a woman of her stance and walked towards the board. Ms Thompson had started to make our sessions more interactive, making us write down questions on the board for the others to answer them. Since now, Jezabel was the one with the toughest questions and also the one with all the right answers. A part of me was jealous of her knowledge.

I gripped the chalk firmly, trying to stop my hands from shaking. I could feel every stare on me, some whispering to each other. I bet their biggest concern was if I was able to write.

I started drawing lines after lines soon forming letters, then words to finish up with a complete sentence. I looked at my calligraphy to find it near to perfection - for me. Garrett kept telling me my handwriting was disastrous the first time I had to write in front of him.

''The real question here is if she's able to answer her own matter.'' I heard Jezabel whisper but loud enough I could hear.

Loïka raised her hand very high, trying to get to answer my question.

Miss Thompson nodded towards her and she smiled brightly, ''That's an easy one, the first war was between us and Fengù in 3009.''

''Wrong.'' I simply replied and looked over at the others. Lacy was frowning in deep thought as Elizabeth had a smile in the corner of her mouth, probably knowing I was on to something.

''Loïka's right, it was in 3009 with the second King of Darkovia. Have you even made any researches since you've been here?'' Jezabel shook her head disapprovingly but Miss Thompson stopped her fast enough.

''Lady Kaelie is right, this isn't the first war for Darkovia as a country.''

I smiled triumphantly when no one answered, ''Well, it was in 3008, a year before the Great war that lasted five years. There isn't a lot of people who know about it because it was very small.''

Miss Thompson seemed to get interested in the subject, ''Would you be able to tell us why this small war between Darkovia and Fengù wasn't integrated with the Great one?''

I was about to answer but a voice cut me off, ''Because the man in the power of Fengù died in the small war and his son took over, prepared all year long and started the Great War against us. The fact that it was someone else governing meant a new war. They failed obviously and this is why they kept attacking until they allied with New Rampson. New Rampson turned on them and conquered their territory. Now, a decade later, they are still attacking, trying to overcome us and expend their territories over ours.''

Every single girl in the room was mouth agape as we stared at the Prince in the doorway, but he was staring at me the whole time as if it wasn't enough to steal my thunder, he had to rub it in. I was mostly mad he had stolen my moment of victory against Jezabel.

''Prince Oliver!'' Miss Thompson squealed and bowed deeply, followed by everyone else. I gave him a fake smile and bowed less than I should. ''What a pleasant surprise!''

He nodded in acknowledgment towards her and then his eyes settled on a smirking Jezabel. ''You look lovely dear.''

I frowned at that and moved slowly to Lacy's side, ''Did he just call her a deer?'' I whispered in her ear and she snorted a bit too loud. That confused me even more, didn't she hear him too?

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