Chapter 14

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January 15

My wedding was white and smelled like lavender, a true success as I had hoped. Landon was wonderful through the whole ceremony, making sure I had everything I needed. We kissed so many times for the cameras, I'm sure my lips looked swollen in some pictures but I didn't mind. This was my wedding.

My mother was crying her eyes out as my father kept shaking his head as if saying I was making a mistake. I'm sure he's still not over the whole Philips thing though my husband took care of his friend. Everything is fine now, everything is settled for a long life together. Wait until he finds out we'll have a third companion in a few months, everything will be forgotten and we'll move on.

I had nightmares that night, dotting a suspicious Prince and a King laughing at my expense as I was on a leash. I thought to myself I should've had beautiful dreams since the existence of the Princess was now confirmed. Of course, I would have to read more just in case she never succeeded to deliver the child, but still, this was a start. We then would have to search for her and I wished to be part of the secret association by then to help.

After that fight with Garrett, I thought he wouldn't help me but he went out of his way by giving me that diary. So many people must have checked for it and never found it. Here I was, holding it hostage in my room as it waited to be read.

''Please ladies, keep up!'' Miss Thompson gave me a pointed look as she brought me back from my daydream, and I frowned trying to get the steps right but my mind didn't seem to focus on it today. I blamed the lack of sleep.

I looked at the others to imitate them but I clearly wasn't as skillful dancing as with a bow and arrows. If only those stupid boys would let me train with them instead of making me do girl stuff.

''Lady Kaelie, are you even making an effort?'' I sighed and looked over at Wayne who probably would be laughing right now if he didn't have to be a guard.

''I am, indeed,'' I whispered looking back at her and some girls laughed. I tried to beseech for help with my eyes at Elizabeth and Lacy but they were trying to hold back laughter instead of seeing my desperate signals. I sighed even louder.

''No man will want to dance with two left feet.'' Jezabel mocked and I looked down. I didn't have two left feet, what was she talking about?

''Of course, a man!'' The idea was a pure illumination and she turned around towards the door, ''Captain Wayne, would you please give us the honor?''

My eyes widened as his gaze settled on mine. ''With pleasure.''

''Oh, you too soldier. Lady Lacy, please join soldier Dean for another round, the others put yourselves two by two.''

Wayne was already in front of me when I looked back up and I heard some girls whine about not being with any man. He offered me his hand and I took it glaring at him. ''Don't make me look like an idiot.''

I could almost see the smirk underneath his helmet, ''That can't be helped.''

He started to move and I had to concentrate not to step on his foot. He was dancing slower than the others to let me adjust but I was still stumbling all over the place. I could feel his chest rising and falling as he chuckled.

''Faster.'' Miss Thompson yelled over the music and Wayne picked up the pace which almost made me fall but he caught me just in time. The way I was falling and the way he held me by my back and head, that could have looked prepared and romantic. I looked up into the sea of his blue eyes and started laughing.

''You have a gift to ruin moments.'' He chuckled deeply and set me back up.

''That was almost beautiful if Lady Kaelie wasn't laughing so openly.'' Miss Thompson grumbled because there seemed to be a rule about women laughing through their teeth only.

''I hope I'm not interrupting anything.'' A voice said from the door and we all stared in the Prince's direction. His eyes were focused on the two guards in the room.

Wayne's thumb caressed the small of my back once before letting go and joining his hands behind his back. ''Your Highness, Miss Thompson asked us to help the girls dancing, some had... difficulties.'' I so badly wanted to hit him.

''Maybe you could take my place, Your Majesty, since you are here.'' The other soldier offered but Miss Thompson was already shaking her head.

''I'm so sorry but the lesson is already over.'' She seemed almost pained, ''You know the Queen will wait to eat with them.''

''You are right, I am sorry I was so late. We will have the chance to dance together at another time ladies.'' He nodded once and disappeared. I was wondering how he managed to have dates with people. He seemed so uncomfortable in the presence of women. At first, I thought it was arrogance but now I could see the way he looked stiff, unmoving with his muscles all contracted. It was a good thing he had to deal with other men for the business of the country and the wars ongoing, otherwise, we wouldn't be in good hands. Not that we were after all.

After so many days at the castle, we didn't have to wait for the instructions to move. In one single movement, we all walked forward with one guard at the front and the other behind. I stayed more at the back to be close to Wayne, a habit I was developing every time I was in his presence.

''Have you thought about your dress for this weekend?'' He whispered next to me.

I looked around to make sure no one was listening in, ''Yes I asked my maids to make it. I'm sure it will be beautiful with Grace's skills.''

''May I ask which color it will be?''

''One that will make people talk,'' I smirked as I heard his frustrated sigh.

''So you're not telling.''

''You'll have to wait like everyone else.'' We all got into the room where we were having lunch today and I tried to hide the smirk on my face. The Queen was waiting for us as usual but this time she seemed radiant.

She was wearing a beautiful light white dress today, making her look like some kind of angel. Her hair was up in a loose bun, strands falling on each side of her face in light curls.

''You look splendid Your Highness, is there any special occasion today?'' Jezabel asked in her milky tone.

The Queen nodded, ''Indeed, today is the eighteenth year that my husband and I have stepped up to become King and Queen. This is one of the rare occasions when my husband does something special for me. No matter who wins my son's heart, you should always remind him to treat you like the Queen you will be.''

''That is so romantic.'' Dorothe gushed.

''What a wonderful day, we should celebrate!'' Felicia, one of the quiet ones spoke up.

''Isn't it as well the day our former King and Queen were killed?'' The words slipped out of my mouth without my intention. Gasps were heard around the table with some murmurs but they seemed to fade away under the frigid glare the Queen was giving me.

''Are you saying I am happy Queen Rachel is dead? It's been eighteen years that this terrible event occurred and no, I am not happy, but I'm trying to see a brighter side of the situation. Furthermore, their tragic incident happened a few weeks before we were proclaimed King and Queen.'' Her voice was calm but cold as she continued, ''Queen Rachel was my best friend at the time and I know that today she would want me to celebrate the rise of our nation after such a tragic and painful event. You should feel ashamed that you even said those words.''

I gulped and looked down, ''I am sorry Your highness.'' I had trouble restraining my pride towards her reaction. How could you even think about celebrating a day like this, the day you profited from your best friend's death? I never really had one but I knew that if Lacy or Elizabeth died tomorrow, I wouldn't celebrate that day.

Queen Lauza got up from her chair and started walking away from us. I could see the distasteful looks of the other girls unless for Beth who took hold of my hand through the Queen's speech and now gave it a squeeze. All of our attention was snatched away when a soldier came running into the room.

''Queen! Your Highness! We need to put you, ladies, in a safe place!'' He breathed out.

''What is going on?'' She demanded.

''The rebels infiltrated the castle.'' He took in a deep breath, ''We are under attack.''

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