Chapter 11

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Dinner that night was slow and stretching for hours while I tried with everything I had to not steal glances towards the prince - now dried up. But I did feel his intense eyes on me more than once throughout the first course.

''How was it?'' Lacy whispered next to me. Since the beginning, Jezabel was stealing glances at the Prince with loving, flirting eyes. She kept laughing and saying funny moments between them both that happened during their breakfast together and then how the movie they watched was so romantic. I preferred not to really talk about our experience because next to their flirt and romantic journey together, mine and the Prince's felt more like the banter between brother and sister or childish like with friends. In a way, I hated it because I would have liked to throw it in Jezabel's face.

''It was okay I guess.'' I lied to her. He had slightly changed my idea about him, but I still couldn't forget how he treated me at first.

''Just okay?'' Elizabeth pitched in. I had also realized how every girl seemed to have forgotten how he treated us the first day. Unless Wayne had lied to me - which was impossible in my mind - they were very forgiving to get what they wanted by the end of this contest: money, power, or him.

''Oh, you know, I am not really the right one for him so I guess we didn't have a lot to talk about. We come from very different families.'' I tried to explain without saying too much or let them show how that bothered me. My rank shouldn't make me feel so low and unworthy like it did, yet I knew this wasn't the only thing keeping him from liking me - I acted wild.

''Maybe the next ones will be better.'' Elizabeth tried to reassure me but we both knew there were very slim chances that I would still be here before the next date.

''Lady Kaelie, we've barely heard you speak. How was your date today?'' Jezabel asked from the other side of the table.

I gulped down with all the stares on me - one, in particular, making me uncomfortable, ''It was very nice.''

''Don't you have anecdotes for us, like Lady Jezabel?'' The Queen interjected, one of the rare moments she ever addressed me.

I hesitated and looked towards the Prince for help but he simply stared back, leaning forward on his elbows, chin propped on his hands. I bit my lip trying to go over our date but there wasn't anything they'd find funny, even less the king. ''We walked around the castle and the Prince was a gentleman as always.''

A girl named Dorothe shrugged a shoulder with a smile, ''Well, I can't wait for my turn.''

All the girls started to agree and talk about what they wanted to do with the Prince, trying to get his attention, as I sat there contemplating one of my last meals here.

It felt like my days here were counted and I didn't want to waste all the information I could gather before leaving. This missing Princess got my interest and I felt like I had to find her, if not for our kingdom, for my family. If she was half better than the current Royal family, the world would already have improved.

Someone knocked at my door. Today we didn't eat with the Queen for unknown reasons so I had eaten alone in my room, not really wanting to meet with the others. Hayz got up and opened the door. I gulped my last bite of chocolate pudding as Wayne entered my room. A smile formed on my lips as I got up.

''It took you long enough to come back,'' I told him, wondering why he hadn't been around yesterday.

''I'm sorry my Lady, are you ready for your lesson?'' He asked but something was wrong, I could tell from the way he spoke.

I took his arm and we walked out the door, not before Hayz stared a moment too long at us.

''What is it?'' I whispered.

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