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I sat in my office and started at the wall, I was deeply reevaluating my life right now as I continued to replay the events that had happened. This could not happen anymore. I could slowly feel felling starting to rise in my brain and I pushed it out of my head. I was not about to chase after two men who don't even like me.


I got home and sighed. I needed something to get out these feelings. I needed a plan, how was I going to face them tomorrow?

"Music, I need music." I said to no one in particular.

An hour later I was singing my heart out to Whitney Houston

"So don't make close one more door!" I yelled horribly. I laughed at myself before starting to eat my pasta. Mariah Carey came on and I danced while eating. I was a soulful person, I loved music I could sing to, songs that challenged my nonexistent vocal abilities. I put my plate in the sink as I went to my closet to chose something to wear. A nice pantsuit and a black bag would do me justice, I decided to pair it with some black heels.

"Damn we gon be lookin saucy tomorrow." I said hanging up my outfit.

I went back into the living room and paused my music, just then my phone rang, it was only my favorite person in the world calling me.

"Hi mommy!" I said excitedly.

"Hey baby girl, how are you, how is your job? I'm sorry I didn't call you, the reception is horrible in Italy."

"It's fine mommy, everything is good, how's Italy?"

"Amazing. Thank you for paying for my trip."

"Anything for you, you deserved it."

"Alright a sexy Italian man is about to feed me some fancy cut pig. Let's hope you don't have a brother or sister after this trip. Love you!" She said before hanging up. My mom, she was so funny. I was lucky to have someone like that in my life growing up.

I got in bed dimming all of the lights and opened up a good book, Lord of the Flies. One of my favorites. I slowly felt my eyes dropping after ten minutes and decided to close the book and save it for tomorrow night.

One week later.

It's been one week, one week since the Twin incident, one week since I started avoiding all contact with them.

Meet us in the conference room unexpected meeting


I took deep breaths to be sure I could calm myself.
I took some files and a notebook and headed to the conference room. I opened the door and entered seeing only Elija siting at the table.

"So glad you could join us." I felt a presence behind me before I heard the door shut and the lock was clicked. I immediately went into defense mode.

"What the hell are you guys planning?" I asked backing away from Damon and Elija.

"Can you tell us why you've been avoiding us?"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" I said

"We're not dumb so please don't treat us like we are."

"This is highly inappropriate, I'm going to report this-"

"Go ahead. We run this company, our name is all over this. We haven't even touched you darling." I was panicking. "Now explain to us why you feel the need to avoid us."

"Okay, Can we talk about this like rational adults?"

"Were you being rational when you yelled at us? You could've loss your job."

"So why didn't I?" I asked a sudden burst of confidence, their glares shot that down instantly.

"That's for us to know and you to find out."

"So can I use that same answer for the question you're asking me?" Damn it why can't you just shut up? I nervously glanced between the two who had gotten closer and decided to take my chances and run for the door. Before I could even move Damon's hands were on me trapping me in my spot. Why are they so intimidating.

"Yvonne, one thing you're going to learn while you for us is that you can never avoid us. We are always be closer to you than you think, so don't let your guard down for a second."

"Are you going to kill me or something?" I chuckled. Jeez you must want to die.

"No, just the opposite." What does that mean?

"Okay is this over? Cause I have work to do." I said wanting to get out nervously. The large hands that were around my waist vanished as Damon walked to his desk and around it. Acting as if none of this had happened.

"You are dismissed." Elija said, their attention was on their computer screens once again. "Oh and I'm sending you and Brittney to find a dress for you tonight. Don't disappoint." I rolled my eyes before shutting their door.


"What do you mean you don't like it, it's Prada!" Brittney exclaimed.

"I don't care about the brand I care about the stitching, the color, how it fits."

"Okay. I'm gonna go get someone to help you because you're being picky." I scoffed, and went back into the dressing room taking off the expensive dress and putting in the silk robe. We have been here for about two hours now and I still hadn't found anything. I walked out of the dressing room where Brittney was talking to some lady, Brittney pointed to me and the lady observed me. I gave her a tight smile and she nodded. She said something to Brittney then left. I felt awkward not knowing what they were talking about.

"Okay she said she has the perfect dress for you."

"Great." I sighed.

"Are you Okay? Your energy is not where it's supposed to be, your vibrations are usually high and it makes everyone happy."

"Thanks my spiritual mother, it's the twins, they're draining my energy and I'm letting them drain my energy which makes me upset and drains my energy even more."

"Hm. I think I have just the solution to your problems. Spa day!"

"You know the banquet is in four hours. How are we going to do all of this in less than four hours?"

"I'll find a way, trust me. Brittney always finds a way." I laughed. The lady came back with a gold dress I could tell instantly that I loved it.

"You look like you just found a hundred dollars in the street."

"The feeling is equivalent." I said the lady handed me the dress and smiled.

"Hurry and go try it on." Britt ushered. I went into the dressing room and slipped on the dress. It had a plunging v-neck and showed everything I had to offer, while still leaving enough for ones imagination, topping it off was a long trail, most of it was see through but with the sequence and parting of fabric it covered everything it needed to. This is the one.

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