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I woke up on Sunday morning quite refreshed, that was until I checked my phone

46 missed calls from Damon
29 missed calls from Elija

108 texts.

I was angry and instantly called them back, without a second ring the phone was answered.


"Shut up, put me on speaker phone." I waited a bit

"Do you guys have no common sense!" I yelled.

"Seventy five fucking missed calls have you guys lost your gotdamn mind."

"Yvonne calm down."

"Calm down my ass. Why the hell would you call me so many times?"

"You left early last night. We needed to know where you were."

"You need to mind your gotdamn business, I sent home because I was tired."

"Is there a certain reason why you're being so irrational, if you had let us know you were leaving we wouldn't be reacting this way Yvonne." I heard Elija said.

"Irrational? I am an adult. I can come and leave as I please."

"Say it to our face." Damon said.

"Come over then." I said, I knew they wouldn't that why I challenged them.

"We're already here open the door Yvonne." I felt shock enter and leave my body. But I swallowed the fear and opened the door. They came in with a strong force that almost overpowered me.

"Good morning Yvonne." Elija said.

"I can come and leave as I please." I said staring down the both of them. They looked at each other and chuckled.

"Okay Yvonne. We apologize for being irrational, get get dressed."

"No." I said firmly. I went to my sofa and sat. Damon was in front of me, I found myself staring straight as his dick. Don't do it. Don't do it.

"Yvonne. We've apologized, can you go get dressed?" He asked crouching down. I almost fell for it I crossed my arms.

"Today feels like my only day off so no, I will not go anywhere with you two." He sighed

"Your turn." He said Elija came in front of me.

"Go get dressed before I strip you myself." Elija said holding one of my dresses in his hand.

"Why did you go in my closet?"

"That small utility room was your closet?" I gasped as he insulted my living space.

"Yes! It's a walk in closet." They chuckled.

"Go get dressed." I snatched the dress from his hands and huffed.

"I'm only getting dressed because I want to. Not because you two are forcing me to." I said walking into my bedroom, I went into my bathroom and took a shower, I exited my bedroom with simply a towel and saw Damon going through my things.

"Woah! Get out." I said. Damon turned around with a lingerie set in his hands.

"Who is this for?"

"Not you that's who. Put my shit down."

"Put it on."

"Damon, you're my boss. This is inappropriate."

"You're right. But I don't care."

"Damon! Out!" He chuckled and put the stuff back.

"Maybe you could tr-" I started screaming. "I'm kidding. You look great in a towel."

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