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I knocked on the door softly before entering the twins quickly looked up at me and I saw both of their faces visibly soften.

"Yvonne I deeply apologize for any emotional and physical pain I may have caused, I am prepared to compensate for any damage I may have caused." I rolled my eyes and plopped down on a chair.

"Yeah, you said that in the first two bouquets."

"Yvonne I'm being serious."

"You're always serious, that's your problem now."

"So what's the diagnosis on your wrist?"

"Just a sprain, I'm fine and that's all that matter correct?" They both nodded.

"How can I make it up to you?" I smirked and thought about it.

You can let me suck your-

"You can um, I don't know. Buy me an apple. I'm fine really." I brushed it off.

"How much did the hospital visit cost?" He asked getting out a check book. I chuckled.

"You think I went to the doctor?" I laughed some more. "Waste of money." I scoffed. They looked at me like I had eight heads.

"Are you crazy Yvonne? You could have a broken wrist and you're writing it off." Damon said. I was shocked, usually it was Elija yelling at me.

"What you're not going to do is yell at me. If it hurt that bad I would've went to the doctors, I know how to take care of myself Damon, I'm tired of being pushed around by you two so I'm going to leave while I can." The twins said nothing as I walked out. Freed from any responsibility, I went back to my office then went home. 


One month later

It was raining out as I drove to the Dextor's large house in a secluded area. This was the first time we were working in the home office. I don't know why they chose to do this on a Friday. I found myself knocking quite obnoxiously on the large mahogany doors. Even their house was intimidating.

"Oh you still came, I told you, you could've stayed home today."

"Oh well-" I said about to go back home.

"Well you're here now, the storm is only supposed to get worse so come in." I raised an eyebrow and went in. "You look relaxed, and you're not wearing that worn down trench coat." I scoffed.

"Insulting me again? I didn't know what you mean by casual so I just picked out what I have on."

"You look good, that's the point I was trying to make."

"Thank you Elija." I said following him to their home office. It was huge about as big as my office which was smaller than their other office.

"It's a bit small in here but I think we'll all fit in." I snickered at the dirty meaning as they stared.

"What?" They got back to work. "So what am I supposed to do? You guys called me over here."

"We also told you that we were canceling this because of the storm but you didn't listen to that either." Damon said.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" I asked.

"Language Yvonne. We just need you to sit there and looked pretty."

"I already do that, give me something else to do." Elija sent me a glare and I rolled my eyes. "Fine sit and look pretty it is." I said I decided to get comfortable because I knew it was going to be a few hours before they were ready to even socialize with each other. So I moved to the sofa and laid down. Watching them work.

"Did you-" Damon asked Elija grunted and Damon grunted back. They did this every fifteen minutes, this was their way of communicating without using actual words. I decided to play a mental game of spot the difference and looked deeply at their facial features.

"Elija?" I said slowly. He looked up at me.


"Never mind. Damon?" I said studying Damon's face He looked up.

"Yes Yvonne?"

"Nothing. Sorry." I said they gave each other a look before getting to work again Elija's reaction was one of irritation and I noticed the micro expression of the wrinkling of the nose and furrowing of eyebrows. Damon's microexpresson was one of flirtation as one eyebrow began to raise and a smirk started to develop.

Damn I'm weird.

Then the lights went out.

"Okay everyone calm down." Elija said instantly.

"Ahh." I said flatly before laughing. The lights came back on shortly and I looked around.

"Are you okay?" We all said at the same time.

"Yeah I'm good." I said. "I'm bored so I'm going to look around your house and find something to do." They we're back in their computers and they ignored what I had to say as I went out of the room and browsed around the house, stopping in the kitchen.


I was stuck in the black hole of owning a business, I was never available but always available and it made no sense. However Yvonne seemed to control the balance between the two by being involved in my personal life and shortly after she left I realized she was gone.

"Where did Yvonne say she was going?"

"Something about going through our things." Damon said. I shrugged and got back to doing work. Yvonne was an adult and I trusted her in our home. I thought back to when I first became obsessed with her. I was sitting in front of her watching her work, she looked up at me and mugged me before continuing her work. She give out a defensive aura who basically told anyone not to fuck with her and I deeply appreciated it but as I dug deeper I noticed how vulnerable and fragile she was, hurting her was the worst mistake I had made in my life, the way no emotion shined throughout her and her words had cut through me like a knife was like nothing I ever wanted to experience again.

"You like her don't you?" Damon asked.

"Of course I do, she's almost a-"

"Perfect fit I know. I just don't know how she's going to react to the both of us, I know just one of us would challenging as it is. But I had to be sure she would be willing for not just me but me and my brother.

"What the hell have we gotten into?" I asked.

"I don't know but I want to act right now."

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