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We walked out of the jet hand in hand where Damon was proudly waving to us.

"I'm guessing you guys made up." He smirked.

"Indeed we did." I nodded.

"Now you see how stupid you look brother?" Damon asked.

"Shut up."

"Yeah whatever. While you guys were frolicking on the beach I was doing some damage control. Do you know how hard that is?" He asked. "There's Facebook hate pages about us."

"Not surprised. How's your sister." I asked getting in the car with them.

"Pregnant and annoying. Her and Andrew got into it so she's been staying in your room. Please talk to her."


I replayed the scene over in my head.

My head on his chest as he watched tv. His phone buzzed and he showed it to me.

"What the hell is this?" It was a picture of me and a man I squinted my eyes.

"Um I don't know. When was that taken?" I asked.

"Two weeks ago." I squinted. "Don't play dumb Brittany. Just tell me who he is."

"Don't you think if I knew who that was I would've told you? I don't remember going out with anyone in the last two weeks Andrew." He huffed and got up. I sat up and scowled.

"Is it mine?" I scoffed

"Of course it's fucking your you dick head. Why the fuck would you ask me that?" Then it clicked. "Oh so you don't fucking trust me?"

"No! It's not that it's just that, I'm in a high position-"

"So you think I need you for your money?!?" I yelled.

"I don't know what to think anymore." Shock ran throughout my body. I know this white whore did NOT just say that.

"Fuck you!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.


"Shut up. I should've never told you that I was pregnant. I should've just kept my mouth shut and had the baby in peace. You were only supposed to be a one night stand." I said slipping on my shoes.

"So why did it become more than that?" He asked. His face displayed anger and I was only going to retaliate with that same emotion.

"It- wasn't meant to."

"Some things aren't just meant to be." He replied I clenched my jaw.

"Yeah some things aren't." I laughed. I grabbed my keys and left, the sound of furniture crashing behind me only fuels my desire to leave. I angrily got into my BMW and drove to my brothers house. So much shit was going through my head but it narrowed down to two questions.

Who sent that to him?
Who took that picture?


I pouted as Brittany told me what happened and you could tell she was hiding some serious pain.

"Okay you know what forget about him. Who said single moms are bad moms?" She gave me a small smile.

"I'll get everything handled eventually. I still have a couple of months to find a nice place for the baby cause the penthouse is not gonna do it." She said sighing plopping back down.

"And I'll be there to help you. I feel partially to blame because I'm the one who forced you to tell him."

"Aww Yvonne no it's not your fault. It's not my fault either."

"But who sent him the picture?" I asked she sat up quickly.

"That's what I was wondering, who sabotaged me?"

"That's hella sus. But we'll definitely do some digging tomorrow. If that's what you want."

"I guess we'll see how we're doing."


I took another shot of tequila to the head as I felt even worse.

"Anymore and I might have to cut you off." The bartender said. She was brunette short kinda curvy. Not my type.

"That was my last one. I still gotta drive home."

"Had a rough day."

"That would be an understatement." I said putting my head in my hands.

"You should talk to her." I raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"People only come to the bar for two reason. Work and relationships."

"Well you're not wrong." I said.

"Most times it's really not worth going through a breakup over. Put in your big boy pants and talk about it."

"But she hates me."

"We say we hate you but we don't really hate you until you start to think that we hate you."

"How does that make sense?"

"You'll understand. If you're smart you'll head home cause you have a big day ahead of you."

"You're right." I said getting up from the bar. Only to bump into another woman.

"Oh funny seeing you here Andrew." I looked down at the woman. My ex.

"I'm yeah I guess."

"Well since you and Brittany aren't together maybe we should try to rekindle our fire?" She winked. I was trying to get away when I processed what she said.

"How do you know we're not together. I never told anyone." Her face dropped.

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