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Brittney and Andrew two weeks prior


I woke up to the sound of someone throwing up in my toilet, I knew it was Brittney by the sounds of her feminine voice sobbing. I got up and opened the bathroom door where she was slumped by the toilet, clearly exhausted.

"Go away." She muttered, I sighed sitting next to her and pulling her into me, I rubbed her back trying to soothe her her breath began to get deeper and I knew she was sleeping. I picked her up and laid her on the sofa so I could keep an eye on her as I prepared her some food and got her some medicine. In the middle of cooking my Grandma's chicken noodle soup her eyes fluttered open again.

"What am I doing here?" I went over to her and moved her hair out of her face.

"I put you on the sofa so you could rest. I think we should go to the hospital Britt." She closed her eyes.

"No. Where are my shoes? I'm leaving."

"Can you at least stay for some food?" She sighed and rolled into her back.

"Fine. Then I'm going home."

"Okay." I said. She had been avoiding me since I confessed to her, I knew that she was hiding something from me, like her feelings and that she was pregnant wether she knew that or not, I did. It only made sense.



I was slipping on my dress and getting ready for tonight I really needed something to distract myself from this newfound love the twins have for me. I couldn't believe it. Why would they like me? There one hundred other people who admire them and they want me. Maybe they didn't truly know what they want and maybe they're confused.
My phone rang and I answered it.

"Hey are you okay?" This was Damon.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said calmly.

"Can you come over?" He sounded almost like a kid.

"Sorry I have some work to catch up on." I said coming up with something random.

"Oh, okay then. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"I guess." I said there was silence before he hung up. Weird.

Britt texted me that she was here and I left locking my door behind me before walking down the stairs.

"Hey Girl." She smiled largely and we exchanged a hug.

"I cant believe you're doing this while you're pregnant." I sighed she shrugged it off clearly unaffected by the fact we were about to go to a club.

"What it's not like I'm going to drink." She shrugged.

"What about Andrew? Did he allow you to go out?"

"Are my brothers allowing you to go out?" I stayed quiet and she chuckled. "Exactly. Now let's go have some fun.

"But that's not fair, I don't like them we're not emotionally connected." She laughed at me.
Tonight would be a good night to get wasted because I'm not going to be the designated driver.

Three hours later.

Brittney and I were in our secluded corner dancing together because in a way we were both taken.

"Wow anymore dancing and I might go into labor." She laughed doing a little shimmy. 

"Let hope that doesn't happen." Andrew said from behind her. In an instant she was angry. If Andrew is here then-

"Ah, what a surprise seeing you here." Damon said looking at me in a dangerously sexy way. I ignored it and played it off as my mind playing tricks.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"I don't know we just so happen to own the club. We get alerts when employees come in."

"Okay we'll see you later." I said trying to walk away. Elija stood in front of me, an amusing smile on his face.

"I don't think you get it. You're coming with us."

"Why? I don't belong to you." They gave each other a look.

"Either we can carry you out or you can come with us willingly." I sighed.

"Okay before you get angry I want you to know that it was Brittney's idea. I just came so that she wouldn't be alone."

"Hey." She said.

"Sorry." I whispered. Andrew looked that twins and they respectively nodded before Andrew walked out with Brittney.

"So you guys are cool now?"

"I wouldn't say that."

"We've just reached a mutual agreement."

"About damn time." I muttered.

"Yvonne you're not off the hook." I gulped.

"How about I cook you guys dinner, my house?"

"Your apartment can not fit us." Elija said blandly.

"Well I dont have any clothes at you guys huge mansion." I said.

"You don't think that you do." Damon interrupted opening the car door and allowing me to get inside. Of course they had to bring their personal driver so I would be stuck sandwiched by them both.

"So you stole clothes from my house?" I asked.

"More like borrowed without asking." Elija chuckled.

"Talking about toxic habits." I muttered. "Listen I know you guys are deeply obsessed with me and drool over every movement I make but I go home tomorrow, understand?" I said sternly. I felt like I needed to reinforce the fact that I was my own person and I was technically still single.

"Yeah okay." Damon said nonchalantly.

"No I'm serious if you guys can't take me seriously then I don't think this friendship will work." They both started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"The fact that you think what we have a purely a friendship."

"Did you think you were going to win me over that easily?" I scoffed. They suddenly became quiet and now it was my turn to start laughing.

"Bobo the fool and Bozo the clown, y'all got me all the way fucked up if you think a messy little kiss is going magically make me your girlfriend." I snickered to myself.

"No, you're right, but are you ready for what we're going to do to get you?"

"When's the last time you actually put effort into winning a girl over? They just fall over your looks and your money. I'm ready to see what you guys have prepared cause I'm sure it's not going to work." They shared glances and I shook my head. "Listen, you guys are amazing once you get passed your entitled asshole layer. But I don't think you're ready for something this serious yet, I'm a very devoted person and I expect nothing but the best."

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