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TRIGGER WARNING (for anyone who has been a rape/abuse survivor ) READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED

Inside of the Dextor residence

Here I was eating soup as both of the Dextor brothers watched me.

Now that it was noticed that I was willing to put myself through suffering specifically for their benefit it made the environment kind of awkward.

"Can you guys stop staring." I asked. They both continued to study me. "Okay can we clear the air?" I asked putting down my spoon. They both relaxed.

"Why are you guys constantly trying to figure me out?" They look at each other before Damon started.

"We've tried having a mutual partner before and I guess we didn't necessarily read their signs when they weren't comfortable with what they were experiencing."

"- and it hurt us quite a bit cause she left without an explanation, we felt rejected and shamed for wanting to have a shared partnership." Aww my poor babies. I pouted a bit for them. They were heart broken. But what did this have to do with me?

"What are you trying to figure out?" I asked.

"We want to know if you'd be willing to um-"

"Deal with the both of us, in more than a casual way." I raised an eyebrow, they were tip toeing around the bush and I understood what they wanted I just wanted to hear them say it. They clearly got my look of confusion

"We want you to be our girlfriend."Awww the Dextor twins have a cwush on me

"If that's what you wanted you should've said it from the beginning." They relaxed even more. "What makes you think I'm the best candidate for this relationship? I'm sure there are plenty of other women willing to be smothered by your arrogance." I laughed continuing to eat the soup.

"Yvonne, you've seen us at our worst, and our best. You put us in our place."

"Hold up, you only like me because I'm able to keep you guys in check?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "It sounds like you're looking for a mom-"

"No it's more than just that, at first we thought you would be a burner-" I scowled "like a burner phone, easily thrown out." I raised my eyebrows "but you quickly demanded respect and you more than certainly caught our eye. You were completely independent prior to meeting us-"

"I still am." I added in. Damon chuckled.

"You're able to reach out to both of us not only intellectually but emotionally, it's like you get what we're feeling. You fit into the picture like a puzzle piece and it would be stupid to deny the fact that we have chemistry." Elija finished.

"No one has ever treated us like a human being. To other people we're scary, we're sexy bachelors what women want to conquer. But you haven't displayed that. Not to mention the attributes you contribute to the relationship, your humor alone makes living five times better." Damon added.

"Okay I get it. Please stop with the sappy stuff."

"So what do you say?" They asked.

"That was creepy. But I guess we can give it a try." I said nonchalantly but on the inside my organs were doing backflips.

"We promise you won't regret this." I know.

One week later

I was showering when I hear something slam open. I froze listening for more clues as to what it could be. I quickly turned off the shower and put on a robe. Heading to the source of the noise.

"Mr.Maten what are you doing here?" I asked looking at him. He looked angry, his face red, the veins in his arms bulging. He was definitely on drugs.

"Your rent is late." He said slowly. I frowned

"I just paid it last week, in fact my payment was early."

"Are you telling me I'm wrong?" He shouted. My heart rate quickened as he rushed towards where I was standing. I made a quick dash for my room and closed the door behind me. I took my phone into the bathroom and locked the door just as he got into the room. The banging on the door started as I hid in the bathtub and dialed emergency services.

"Please help, I'm in apartment 9c on bakers street, my landlord has gone insane, I-I don't know what to do."

"Keep calm ma'am we have officers five minutes out. Are you in a safe area?"

"Open up you bitch! You've been tempting me for too long." He said slamming into the door. I could hear the wood starting to split as he used more force to break the door down.

"Not for long." I whispered. My eyes started to water as I thought about what he could do to me. The door swung open and I could hear his angry footsteps come close to me. I was stricken in fear as my stomach dropped. The curtain swung open and suddenly it became life or death. He pulled me up from my hair and drug me out of the bathtub. He got on top of me pinning my wrists down. His eyes glimmered as if he had just caught a prize. I lifted my hips up in attempt to get him to fall off of me but none of that worked for long and when he regained the position he slapped me. I could feel my mouth fill with blood.

"Keep still stupid bitch, you might have fun." He said his yellow teeth showing. His face dripping in sweat and his hands on my throat as he tried to force the robe off of me.

This is it.

I'm gonna die.

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