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I woke up after spending my night with the boys because they refused to let me sleep on their sofa like I had originally planned.

"Just sleep with us we won't hurt you." They begged.

I pushed them off of me and got up to get dressed.

I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I got a phone call.

"I need to meet with you. Four o'clock, at the western barn. Bring the twins." He said quickly before hanging up. I rolled my eyes. Did I mention I hated when people ordered me around?

"Who was that?" Elija asked coming in next to me to brush his teeth.

"Don't worry about it. So what are you going to make me for breakfast?" Due to his lack of ability to respond he gave me an amused raised eyebrow.

"You're so cute. I'm gonna check on Brit." I said giving him a kiss on his cheek. I walked out of the-our room and went to Brittany's.

I opened the door and the bed was empty. It was almost like she was never here in the first place. But she did leave a note.

Went house shopping I'll be back before dinner


I smiled sadly, this poor girl was going through hell. I imagined how I would feel if this happened to me as I made my way into the kitchen.

"What do you look so angry for?" Damon asked. I gave him a puzzled look then laughed.

"No reason. Britt is out house shopping. I wish she would've waited for me but I guess she wants alone time."

"I want to rip him to shreds I swear." Damon said making pancakes.

"Violence never solves anything it just sends a message."

"Stop being wise and think about this from our perspective."

"What do you think I've been doing? I'm just as upset about it as you but I'm not going to be irrational." I said opening the fridge and getting a strawberry. I bit into it and watched one of the handsome men, who happened to be without a shirt, cook.

"I can feel your eyes Yvonne I suggest you stop now." He said giving me a playful smirk. I rolled my eyes and Elija made his presence downstairs.

"Great now that both of you are here we should go out this afternoon."

"Go out where?" Elija asked.

"To a bar." I said

"Hell no so you can get drunk? No."

"What? I'm a responsable adult. I'm not going to the bar to get drunk-"

"So then why are we going to a bar? We can go to a restaurant."

"Yeah, in fact one of our colleagues just invited us to his restaurant."

"I'll set the res-"

"No!" I shouted. Of course they were in their own little worlds. "We're going to the Western Bar at four. Understood?" They both frowned before giving each other looks. They were about to question me worse than the FBI.

"What are you hiding from us?" Damon asked.

"Nothing. Why would I have to hide anything from you guys, I just want to go to the bar and get out." Time to guilt trip them. "I just feel like after the incident I've been too sheltered and I want to get out and live my life." Elija was giving into it but I knew Damon could see right through it so I thought to attack one of them. Elija pouted and looked at looked at Damon Who rolled his eyes and flipped the pancake.

"Whatever." I cheered and gave both of them a kiss on the cheek.

"You guys are the best we're gonna have so much fun!" I faked.

We'll be there I texted


I walked around this house for the third time this hour. I knew my realtor was getting annoyed but I wanted things just right.

"Did you want to wait for your husband to look at it perhaps?" He asked.

"I don't have one. I'll take it."

"Now?" He asked.

"Yes now." I asked giving him an annoyed look. He gave me a tight smile and nodded immediately getting on the phone. Two million for a house was a pretty good deal especially seeing as it had a tennis court, swimming pool, and three master bedrooms which didn't include the four other rooms in this house.

One of the masters would of course be my child's seeing as I now needed to invest in their future.

I looked out the glass wall as a tear slipped my eye.

No more men.

"Miss Dextor we can have the house to you by the end of the week." I wiped my eyes.

"That'll be great." I said not facing him. "It was pleasure doing business with you." I said simply. I hitched my purse over my shoulder and left to my car. I looked at my phone expecting thirty missed calls from Andrew but when I saw none a lump formed in my throat.

He never cared in the first place.

As I drove to go get lunch I thought about how I had let my guard down once and got completely demolished.

I was angry.

I was angry at Andrew for not believing me.

I was angry Yvonne for forcing me to tell him I was pregnant in the first place.

I was angry at my brother because I knew they were right and they were going to rub it in my face.

I was angry at myself.

But I had to mature and set that anger aside because I knew nothing good was going to come of it.

I got a phone call and my mind became happy thinking that it would be Andrew but it was Yvonne.

"Hey." I said simply.

"Jeez you don't sound excited to talk to me."

"Ahhh Yvonne I'm so excited you called me." I faked. We shared a laugh together.

"So how big is the house." We had very similar taste and she knew me well, I couldn't doubt that.


"Like Dababy's dick big or like Jay Z's lips big." I laughed even more before answering.

"Like K Michelle's ass big."

"Damn I'm moving in."

Y'all I wrote this thing in like forty five minutes it really goes to show that if I want to I really can. Anyways what do y'all think?

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