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I was finally going back to my house today and the men would not stop bothering me. I knew they wanted me to go back with them but I was highly opposed to that. I needed to keep things professional.

"We'll take you home." Elija said opening the door for me.

"I'm sure I can manage a car ride by myself."

"We insist, to make sure that everything in your house is okay."

"You live in a dangerous neighborhood, when is your lease up?"

"None of your business is when. I don't need you guys monitoring every aspect of my life. I got this." I reminded them for the umpteenth time today. They were stepping on my neck and I was beginning to get angry.
Quickly we arrived in my neighborhood and I got out.
The twins following behind me.

"Woah, why are you guys getting out?" I asked going to the trunk.

"We want to make sure you get in alright."

"Have you guys been listening when I said I need space?" I asked rudely.

"Let us at least help you carry some things up." I rolled my eyes and shoved my bags towards them. I walked to my apartment and opened the door, them hot on my heels.

"We just walk to make sure you're okay Yvonne." I rolled my eyes. "We had fun today, maybe we can do it again soon?" Elija suggested. I folded my arms and leaned against the counter. Damon chuckled a little before walking over and placing a peck on my cheek.

"We'll see you tomorrow at work." I hummed and Elija placed a peck on my other cheek.

"See you tomorrow Yvonne." They both headed towards the exit and I followed them.

"Bye." I said quickly before shutting the door and locking it. Boy were they a handful.

I woke up and my eyes struggled to focus on the rising sun that was beaming through my curtains. Time for work.

I walked into the office and already I could feel the busy aura. I sat down at my desk before Brittany came in.

"So how was it?" She asked sitting on the lounge chair.

"Exhausting but enjoyable."

"Y'all had sex?" She asked I scrunched up my face at the thought and gave her a glare. "Woah, someone's in a bad mood today."

"I'm not in a bad mood it's just there's so much I have to do. My lease is almost up so I've been looking for a house to live in instead of an apartment, there's three projects assigned to me this week and I'm going to be late for a meeting."

"Mm, you better work bitch."

"Don't you own half of this business? Why aren't you working?" I asked her.

"Cause I gave the responsibilities to my brothers. I got a nice job that's flexible and I'm comfortable. Plus they bought me out half of what I own so I get a pretty paycheck of eight thousand a week just being here. Not even taking into acc-"

"Okay we get it. You're rich. I gotta go, talk later okay?" I said grabbing a report and quickly speeding down to the meeting room.

I woke up and groaned. The light filling my eyelids gave me a massive headache. My nose stuffy, my chest congested, my throat raspy and I just felt icky in general. It had been a month since I had that little outing with the men and since then work had been piling on top of me.

I don't know if I was gonna make it but the thought of calling in sick slipped my mind as I fell back asleep.


Work had been efficient lately and I walked in with a slight smile on my face today. I decided to head to Yvonne's office to greet her but as I opened the door she wasn't there. Odd maybe she's getting us breakfast. I went back to Brittany's desk to see if she knew where Yvonne was.

"Have you seen Yvonne?" I asked.

"Nope, she hasn't called in either." Brittany said. Somethings wrong. "Woah calm down cowboy. You look like you're taking a massive shit."

"Whatever." I brushed off. Maybe she's just a little late. But she's never been late. I brushed it off and got into work. She'll be here soon.


I woke up to loud pounding at my door before it opened, my cold suddenly vanished as the adrenaline pumped through my veins, I heard the intruder come to my door so as quickly as I could I grabbed my gun and aimed it at the door that was opening.

"Woah." Damon said putting his hands up. I sighed as I relaxed and my symptoms came back.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked putting the gun back.

"Why the hell do you have a gun?"

"The second amendment allows me to have one." I said. I checked the time and sighed again, this time in sadness as I realized it was two in the afternoon. I let out a series of coughs that hurt my chest as I wheezed.

"Are you Okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Please lock the door on your way out." I said getting back under the covers.

"Yvonne you have to get up and take some medicine for whatever you have."

"I'll do that when you leave. I don't want to get you sick." I said.

"I don't care if I get sick, I need to make sure you're okay."

"Was work that busy that you guys couldn't last one day without me?" I asked getting up and putting on my slippers.

"Forget work, I care about your well being in a personal way."

"I care about your well being in a personal way." I mocked. I led him to my kitchen as I looked through my cabinets and found some medicine. I popped two pills and quickly swallowed.

"Am I free to go now Dr.Dexter?" I watched his eyes darken.

"Have you eaten today Yvonne?" I wanted this man out of my house.


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