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Chicken was bought to the table and we dug in.

"So you're really serious?" She asked looking at me shyly.

"Yes! I will go up to him right now and confess everything if you don't get your shit together." She groaned.

"Yvonne this is too much."

"But you're going to regret if you don't cause there's going to be a father daughter dance and your little girl is not going to be able to dance with her father." I sighed.

"You're right. I'm so grateful you're my friend Yvonne, I'm going to confess to him." She said, she looked determined and scared. I looked back at the dance floor and raised my eyebrow when I saw the man glancing at us.

"I heard confessing what's going on?" Damon asked coming up out of nowhere, Elija followed after and I felt warm. Britt looked at me scared.

"Do you want me to do it?" I whispered. She nodded. Her brothers looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Can y'all not look at me like that?" I asked annoyed. "So what happened is, your sister caught feelings for one of your rivals now she's pregnant and he claims he loves her." I said unbothered. I noticed the hesitation in the air and looked up. The brothers were glaring at us and then shared a look before they got up, they were headed straight for Britts man.


"They're going to kill him. Yvonne please help me." Britt pleaded.

"Why me?"

"Can't you see you're the only one who can affect them?" I groaned.

"Yvonne saves the day. You own me big time." I said getting up. I lifted up my dress and trotted to the dance floor where the fight was about to breakout.

"So you think you can just get into our company through our sister?" Damon asked. Elija had a calm demeanor and that scared me.

"I don't care about your company, I just know that I love your sister." The man spat. Damon raised his fist but I got in between them quickly.

"You're not going to hit him Damon."

"Yvonne move." He warned.

"If you hit me I will break every bone in your body and that's a promise Damon. Now what you're going to do is you're going to go outside and we're going to handle this like adults." I said, Damon's eyes flickered to me and he sighed.

"This isn't over Evans." I grabbed Damon's bicep and leaned on him as we walked outside. I patted his arm.

"You did good Mr.Dextor, how would Brittney react if you would've beat up the father of her child?" I asked, see sat on a stone bench outside the palace.

"Yvonne. You're agrivating me." He warned, I snickered.

"Damon I'm not a regular person, you don't threaten me, I'm not scared of you." I said, it was quiet before I realized I was still holding onto his arm and our hands were intertwined. I quickly let go and tried to free my hand but the pulse of him creating a tighter grip made me stop.

"I didn't say you could let go." I rolled my eyes.

"So you're feeling better?"

"I'm still pissed but I feel like I can hold myself back. Now what was that about you breaking every bone in my body?" I felt my face become warm.

"I can break your bones." I said being playfully fierce.

"Your small delicate body couldn't even break my pinky."

"You want test that out?" I asked. Elija came out and studied us.

"How is everyone?" He asked.

"Good, how are you?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'm good Ms.White."

"Stop calling me that. I'm only twenty four." I scoffed, they both looked at me and I could smell the desire in the air. "Will you guys stop trying to gang up on me, I'm leaving." I stood up and Elija was in front of me. Too close for comfort.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked studying my face. I instinctively tried to find my way out.

"Answer the question Yvonne." Damon interjected.

"Whenever I'm alone with you two you try to over power me and it's annoying." I said chuckling.

"You're not being serious." Elija said. I looked into his eyes and got chills.

"Sorry I have to go check on-" I side stepped Elija and made my way back inside. I took a deep breath out before I was confronted by Evans.

"Hi I'm Andrew Evans." He said holding his hand out. I shook it.

"Yvonne White."

"I can see why the twins like you." He said.

"Oh no I'm just their personal assistant." I shrugged.

"Oh. Well not to them."

"What does that mean?" I scoffed.

"Sorry, I came to thank you for protecting me. Are you close with Brittney?"

"I would like to think I am." He nodded.

"Um, how is she doing? Is she okay?"

"You should ask for yourself. She needs your more than you think." He sighed.

"I just don't know how to get to her. I love that woman so deeply but it's like she could care less."

"How about this. I will schedule something for the both of you. Tuesday at eight?" I suggested.

"She doesn't want-"

"Andrew let me work my magic, leave all of that to me. Just meet her at Margios on Tuesday at eight. Don't be late or else I'll kick your ass."

"You're definitely the woman the twins need. Thank you a lot Yvonne."

"You're welcome. It was nice meeting you Andrew. You better fix everything."

"I will. Thank you again." I dismissed myself and went back to the table. It was getting late, I was getting tired.

"Where are you going?" Britt asked.

"It's almost my bedtime, I am exhausted, I had to work magic."

"Thank you Yvonne. You're a lifesaver."

"That's what I'm on earth to do." I shrugged.

"See you in Monday." She said. I waved and exited the scene, thankfully not running into the twins.

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