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I sat back and watched as Damon cooked for me while talking to his idiotic brother.

"Yeah she's sick." I heard him say. "When I came in she had a gun pointed to my head, yeah I know I asked the same thing. She's a wreck she looks really bad. I'll spend the next couple days with her-"

"Wait what?" I asked. Damon ignored me.

"Yeah just to make sure she's taking care of herself she hadn't eaten nor had she thought to take medicine."

"Damon shut up." I scoffed at him. He ignored me and continued cooking.

"Yeah if you don't mind just bring some clothes. Yeah I'll tell her- Elija said he hopes you feel better." I gave a fake smile before going into a coughing fit. "Gotta go. She's dying." In a flash Damon was there to rub my back. It were the coughs that hurt the most and drained my energy. As the coughing subsided I felt tears come to my eyes as the pain in my lungs remained, it hurt to breath. I quickly wiped them away but not quick enough for Damon to not notice.

"Yvonne don't cry." He wrapped me in a hug and my head rested on his middle abdomen as I started to cry more.

"It hurts." I whispered.

"I know my Love. I might have to take you to the hospital."

"There is no way I'm going there Damon." I said in a serious tone. I pushed back from his hug.

"Why? What's with you and not wanting to go to the doctors?" I bit my lip as I felt my face warm. Was I really about to tell him this?

"I don't have a healthcare plan." I whispered.

"Seriously? I thought the corporation gave you health insurance."

"It takes six months of employment in order for it to start." I said sighing.

"Why didn't you tell me you needed insurance. I could've called and enabled it for you Yvonne, when will you realize that it's okay to ask and receive help?"

"Please don't lecture me right now Damon." I said starting to feel a headache come on.

"I'm not lecturing you. I'm telling you that for three seconds you can put your pride away and ask for assistance-"

"Don't fucking talk to me about pride, you fucking arrogant asshole. This is exactly why I don't want you here, whenever you or your brother come around you want to pester and boss me around well guess what. I won't take it from you or your brother." I said storming to my room. I shut the door and locked it.

"Yvonne. Please open up. We have to talk about this."

"We don't have to talk about shit. I just want you guys to understand me-" suddenly a sharp pain hit my chest and I fell to the floor before going into another coughing fit.

"Yvonne? Are you okay? Open the door." I was too busy coughing to even breathe properly let alone open the door, plus I had recognized the fact that something was coming up with made my cough worse. My door was pushed open easily just as I spit bloody mucus into my hand. Oh shit, I'm dying.

"That's it we're going to the hospital." I didn't argue with him that time because I started to feel lightheaded and as soon as I got up I was going right back down again.



The smell of sanitation surrounded me and I knew I was in the hospital. I felt dramatically better. Good enough to open my eyes.

"Yvonne. You're awake finally." Damon said pressing a button. I looked at his face his eyes were red and he looked sluggish. He definitely needed sleep.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted. You have a really bad case of pneumonia which explained why you were coughing up blood."

"Oh, how long have we been here?" I asked.

"Eighteen hours." My jaw dropped.

"Damon you need to sleep." I said shocked that I had slept that long.

"Yvonne you're laying in a hospital bed with a chronic illness that you almost died of and you're worried about me?" I nodded.

"You look horrible, I'm okay now, you can get some sleep." He scoffed. There was a knock at the door before a doctor came in.

"Good evening. How are you feeling Ms.White?" The doctor that had come in was actually kinda cute.

"I'm good." I said he gave me a smile.

"That's great. So I'm sure you know by now you have pneumonia, the reason why it's taking such a toll on you is because your immune system was extremely weakened and you were a bit underweight. Is there a reason why?" He asked clicking his pen.

"Work probably, I do work in a high stress business environment and I had been dealing with chronic stress for about a month or so. I guess I wasn't taking care of myself enough during that time."

"I agree. So the thing about pneumonia is that the symptoms gradually get worse over a week period so if you were still working while being sick that would've been very bad for your health." I nodded.

"So we're gonna our you on antibiotics because it is a viral infection, we need you to eat a surplus of calories while you're here so you can start to feel better."

"When will she be able to leave." At the sound of Damon's voice the face of the Doctor flattened and he gave an annoyed expression which almost caused me to laugh but I looked away.

"She can be home as quickly as tomorrow." He turned back to me and gave me another blinding smile.

"I hope you feel better soon Yvonne."

"Thank you Doc." I said smiling back. I watched him leave then turned to Damon who was giving me the meanest glare.

"Hey? What's the angry face for."

"I will have him fired don't play with me Yvonne." I chuckled.

"He was kinda cute." I commented. I could feel his glare worsen. "Calm down. I already have my eyes set on two special people." His face soften and I rolled my eyes playfully. "Thank you for taking care of me Damon. I don't think I'll be able to repay you, you probably saved my life." I added.

"I would do it again in a heartbeat. You know we care about you, which is why we're so protective."

"Yeah I get it."

"So why didn't you tell us that things were getting stressful?" My shoulders dropped.

"I didn't want to disappoint." I said softly.

"Disappoint? You exceeded our expectations in every way, you took on some of the load and we were able to relax a little bit. If I knew you were dealing with that much stress I would've had you deal with another aspect of the company."

"It's not your fault or Elija's I wanted to help you guys so I willingly took it on. I wanted to make you guys life just a bit easier."

"Even if that meant suffering yourself." He concluded.

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