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I changed my clothes in my bathroom and finished brushing my teeth.

"Yvonne theres so many other rooms in this house. You know I can sleep somewhere else."

"No this room has the most comfortable bed. Stay in here." I said before leaving. Not giving her the chance to retaliate. I went downstairs to see the men talking. Their chatter halting as I came in.

"I hope good things were being said about me."

"How do y-"

"Black woman's intuition. Now do you want to know what happened or not?" I asked they nodded eagerly.   I started explaining the story to them and from then their mood decreased severely.

"I'm gonna go punch that fucking asshole." Elija commented.

"Not if I punch him first." I commented. "We will not be punching anyone, your sister needs stability and tranquility right now and we have to provide that. We cannot provide that in a toxic environment right?" I asked.

"So Elija what happened on you guys trip." Elija blushed and I laughed just as my phone rang.

"Okay while you two talk about that I'm going to be answering this phone call." I said answering it. My first mistake was checking the caller ID

"Thank god you answered."

"I only answered because I didn't check the caller ID you have ten seconds."

"One of my ex girlfriends tricked me into thinking that Brit was cheating on me so now I need your help to make it up to her."

"No." I said simply. "You want her you get her. I'm tired of helping."

"Can you just tell me how she's doing?"

"Call her." I said.

"I tried! Fucking Christ I've called her sixty three times but she won't pickup."

"You sound drunk."

"Just tell me how she's doing."

"Well she isn't living her life to the fullest extent right now. She's fucking devastated Andrew. What you said really hurt her."

"I know."

"And now you're gonna have to go through me and her brothers in order to get to her. Time is ticking."

"If I give you a location and a time can you make sure you and the twins are there?"

"I'll try."

"Great. Talk to you soon Yvonne."

"I hope so." I said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Elija asked.

"Don't worry your pretty little heart about it. I thought you were cooking us dinner." He laughed.

"You're cute." He said pulling me to him. He bent down for a kiss but last moment settled for my cheek.

"I don't like when my questions go unanswered Yvonne. Who was it?" He whispered in my ear. I felt the tingles go up my spine.

"If you must know it was Andrew." His body stiffened.

"Chill out. I told him what the deal was."

"Which is?" Damon asked walking past us. I left Elija and clung onto him.

"If he wants her he's gonna have to go through us."

"Couldn't have said it better myself. Right brother?" Damon asked.

"Nope. Let's eat." Elija said biting his lip.

"Why are y'all looking at me like that?" I asked looking between them.


It's a little short y'all but I got some shit comin up. Tomorrow is my birthday AHHH

What do y'all think is gonna happen?

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