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Five years ago.

'You look beautiful' fathima complemented her daughter who was fixing her hijab last minute.

'You do too mum' the girl replied winking at her mom from the mirror.

She looked at her one last time, taking in her appearance. She wore a beautiful red dress paired with a yellow hijab. She grabbed her shoes and hurriedly left the room when her dads booming voice came.

Aisha entered the wedding hall with her cousins who were all giggling and nudging her when they saw someone they knew.

'Stop it' Aisha hissed at one of them as they giggled uncontrollably at a woman who was stuffing her mouth with food.

'God you guys are worse than aunties' Ilham Aisha's best friend mumbled to which Aisha nodded in agreement and then the two went ahead leaving their cousins to meet the bride.

'Assalamu Alaikum' Aisha greeted Sara. The bride replied in a voice barely audible. Aisha kisses her on the forehead and complemented her. Sara looked at her and took in her appearance and then replied.

'You look prettier' to which she let out a laugh. Aisha and Ilham helped the bride sit up and greet the guests and stood by her until it was time for them to leave the stage as the groom arrived.

The lights dimmed and a Islamic slow nasheed was played then slowly the men entered in groups and among them was her brother, the groom walking with her father and her uncle. He looked at her and passed her a weak smile to which she grinned. Then slowly her grin disappeared and her heart did a summersault as her eyes landed on familiar figure walking right behind her brother laughing at something the other guy was saying. Aisha was awestruck, she couldn't get herself to tear her gaze from him and this caught her best friend Ilham's attention. She slowly nudged her friend to break her from her gaze.

But it was too late, he looked at her and his dark blue eyes met with her brown ones. Aisha was exposed to so many emotions that she did not know what she felt. Butterflies erupted in her belly and her heart, god her heart was hammering against her chest that she was afraid that If the music stopped all the guest would hear. He then smiled at her, to which Aisha just couldn't respond for it deepened what she felt further. She broke out of her trance immediately at the second nudge of her friend and passed him a nervous smile,but it was too late for he had already turned his attention to the other guy.

Soon the event ended, and people slowly started leaving. Aisha sat along with ilham drinking some juice for the two was parched.they admired the night sky and the serenity of the darkness. Ilham excused herself for the washroom leaving Aisha watch the night sky alone.

'Beautiful' someone whispered which startled Aisha. Aisha saw the person next to her and recognized her to be a family friend of her sister in law.

'You startled me' she stated.

'Oops sorry' she replied with a slight grin. Aisha shook her head and continued watching the night sky.

The girl pushed a few of her hair that was flying and crossed her arms of her chest and watched the night sky along with Aisha in silence until it was broke by footsteps. Aisha looked back only to realize it was him who was walking towards where she was standing. Aisha immediately turned back and started at the sky trying to calm her anxious heart.

'Hey, saf your mom is looking for you' he told the other girl. The other girl smiled and the. Excused herself from there. Aisha watched the night sky and did not dare to tear her gaze from the night sky.

'Isn't it too cold?' He asked and Aisha shook her head wrapping her arms around herself.

'So what are you studying?'he asked.

'Commerce' she replied fiddling with her fingers.

'Nice' he said

'I better get going' she mumbled and walked away from there trying to ease her heart. She sighed as she saw ilham and immediately went to her side.

The night ended slowly. Aisha showered and changed into something comfy. It was almost the last third of the night, Aisha got herself to pray thahajud after a small fifteen minutes nap and spoke to her lord about everything that was bottled up. By the time she was done with fajr her heart was at ease. She then closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

Two weeks later.

Everyone was gathered at the house of Ibrahim for dinner. Aisha dressed herself in a dress and matched hijab. She was exhausted with dinner parties and wedding after that of her brothers. Grumpily she made her way downstairs and was immediately crashed in a hug by ilham. She along with ilham greeted their guests and made sure everyone was comfortable.

Aisha walked into the kitchen to get some juice for herself and was surprised to see him and her brother in there. She walked in silently and poured herself some juice.

She heard her brother and him speak about something of him flying to England. Aisha's heart clenched, she tightened her glass and drank the juice in silence and left the room.

Aisha dragged ilham outside to the garden and sobbed in her shoulders. 'He's leaving'. Ilham immediately understood what she was speaking about and tried to calm her down.

'Oh Aisha.' She sighed as she rubbed her back soothingly.

The two broke apart when they heard a gasp. And it was non other than safiya. Aisha wipes her tears and smiled at her.

'Yes?' She asked.

Instead the girl replied with a statement. 'You like him'

Aisha's heart clenched with fear of being exposed and ilham's heart clenched for her best friend.

'What are you talking about' ilham questioned while Aisha stood there motionless.

The girl snorted 'I'm not dumb and so are you,I said that I know she likes him'

'No she dosent' ilham objected and the girl did nothing but roll her eyes.

As if on cue, he arrived outside along with one his cousin. A mischievous grin formed in safiyas lips and she immediately went to his side.

Aisha's heart clenched further and she was dizzy right now.

'You know what?' The girl shrieked.

'What' he Questioned with a smile.

'Someone here likes you' she stated and Aisha heart sank in misery.

'And who would that be' he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

'Aisha' The girl sang and that was it Aisha felt her heart crack.

Ilham looked at the girl with pure hatred as tears threatened to fall off her best friends eyes.

'No she doesn't' ilham stated throwing daggers at safiya.

'Is that so?' The girl replied sarcastically. Ilham shook her head in annoyance and dragged. Aisha inside with her.

Aisha ran into her room and sunk deep on the ground and cried her heart out. Ilham tried to console her but it was in no use and therefore she left because she didn't want anyone to suspect anything.The look he had killed her heart further, that amusing look. Aisha dragged herself from the thought and rushed to her bedside table looking for something but it wasn't there. This sank her heart to her feet and she dropped down and cried and cried and cried until eventually she feel asleep like that on the floor.

Little did the girl know, that the missing something was Safely secured in someone's jeans pocket.

Assalamu Alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu!

The Prologue of the book! Do not forget to comment below your thoughts on it!


Ramadan Mubarak!


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