Chapter thirteen

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"Alec" I whined taking he kitten off my face. He purred and lied on his back and I groaned.

"You woke me up and now you're sleeping"

He did not move instead he stretched.,

"Naughty little boy" I mumbled and stretched.

It's been almost two weeks since ilham's wedding and holidays were almost close to over. I had school next week and the thought about it made me want to pull the duvet over and sleep more.

Alec jolted when my phone rang and 'meowed' loudly in annoyance.

"Serves you right" I smirked before picking the phone up.

"Assalamu Alaikum amirah!" I greeted Amir.

"Aisha! Sara's in her labor" came his reply.

I immediately rushed out of the room to inform mum who was already throwing on an abaya and hijab.

"I'm going to the hospital, take care of the house until I'm back" she said and rushed out of the door.

I left a text to ilham about it and went for a shower.

I dried up and prayed my salah then prayed for ilham and the baby. I was heating up my coffee when mum called me to inform that the baby has been delivered and it was a boy.

"I'm coming!" I exclaimed while mum dryly refused and asked me to come with my dad.

"Oh and Amir wants you to bake some cupcakes" she said.

"Send me a picture of the baby at least" I whined.

"Come see him yourself" amir replied taking the phone from mum.

"Well I would if your mother dearest hadn't ask me not to" I snapped.

"So come with dad" he said simply.

"Not like I have any other choice" I said and hung up.

"Ugh" I groaned taking the ingredients for the cupcakes and slamming them on the counter.

When I was done baking and icing them, dad was home. We prayed and left to the hospital.

"He looks like Amir" dad said on our way to the hospital.

"You saw him?" I asked and he nodded.

"Your mum sent me a picture" he replied.

"Rude much" I mumbled.

"You can go in, I'll park it" I told dad and took his place in the steering.

It took quite long to find a parking slot and when I did someone else parked in it. I groaned and looked for another and finally found one.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I greeted Amir was outside the room talking to dad and his father in law.

he grinned at me and slung his arms around me, we walked together to the room and I immediately 'Awwed' as I saw the baby in hamza's arms. I left Amir and rushed towards the two boys who were identical. I gently carried the baby off Hamza and cradled him in my own arms.

"Did you name him?"I asked randomly.

"Yes" Sara replied

"And?" I asked looking between Sara and Amir.

"Talha" Amir said smiling and I gushed immediately.

"You look just like your aunty, pretty in everway" I said and Amir fake coughed while Sara laughed along with the mums.

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