Chapter six

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Aisha's p.o.v

"Ugh" I groaned in frustration as I looked through my closet finding for something suitable to wear for ilhams Dinner.

"What's wrong" mum asked as she entered my room with her outfit.

"I have nothing to wear!" I exclaimed and mum glared at me.

"Aisha how many times have I told you not to say that? Say Alhamdhulillah instead there are thousands out there who survive with one piece of clothing and here you are with a closet filled with clothes and yet you complain" she lectured making me feel guilty.

"Right! Alhamdhulillah" I mumbled.

"Anyways does this look good?" She asked showing me a black abaya matched with a grey hijab.

"Stunning" I replied with a grin. She rolled her eyes and set her outfit on my bed and placed her hands on her hip.

"Now what's up with you?" She asked and I shrugged looking at my closet.

"I don't know what to wear" I replied.

Mum shook her head made her way closer to my closet and looked through it. She picked a plane black abaya and a hijab and handed them to me.

"This would do" she said and I nodded amazed at how she knew what I needed that day. I was in no mood to dress up fancy and wanted to dress all black but yet it confused me what I should wear and mum made it much easier for me.

"Jazak Allah Khair mummy" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Wa iyyaki" she replied and smiled at me. She then left my room with her clothes and I shut the door after her and started to get dressed.

I showered and changed into some pajamas and then prayed. I then got dressed into my abaya and began my make up. I always liked my make up simple. It always consisted of my eyes liner and a moisturizer and lip balm nothing else. And sometimes if the party was mixed my make up consisted nothing but a moisturizer. I applied them carefully making sure that I don't wing my eyes to much that would drag attention and left one simple stroke in both my eyes. I wrapped my hijab and carried my shoes downstairs along with my phone.

I looked at myself in the mirror that hung in the Living room and made sure my hijab wasn't messed. I then snapped a quick picture of me until mum and dad comes. After a few minutes of me taking pictures in Snapchat with filters, my parents arrived.

"Took you guys long enough" I said putting my phone away.

"Well blame your mum she took almost thirty minutes in the shower!" Dad exclaimed and mum grinned.

"Okay calm down you two! It's not like we missed anything. I called ilhams mum and she told me only a few people had arrived" mum said. I sat and put on my shoes next to mum who was doing the same. We then left home and got into dads car as he was driving. I took the back seat while mum sat on the passenger. We got to ilhams in ten minutes or so and I saw that the house was pretty filled. Dad parked the car and we got off together. I walked beside mum and dad took the lead. Keeping my gaze lowered I followed mum into the house.

"Assalamu alaikum!" Ilhams mum exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and replied to her greeting. "Ilham is in her room" she told me and then began speaking to mum. I thanked her and rushed upstairs to my best friends room.

"Assalamu Alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu" I greeted her as I entered and watched ilham trying to do her hijab. She looked towards my way and smiled.

"Walaikum Salam" she replied and dropped the hijab on the chair and rushed towards me. I hugged her and she sighed on my shoulders.

"I'm so tired already" she mumbled and I laughed.

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