Chatty thirty five

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I was on bed with Alec on top of me asleep, when my phone vibrated with a message.

Sophie- 'hey! Reached home safely Alhamdhulillah, tell everyone! Love you and I miss you'

Ayesha- 'it's boring without you :(

Within an instant her message pooped up.

Sophie- 'me too sweetheart, btw I gotta go'

I dropped my phone and sighed, a week passed after the dinner and everything was turning to my mundane routine, with Sophie gone back to her house and Sara at her mum's everything was oddly slowly boring.

I played with my hair, scrawled in bed when mum walked in.

"Ayesha?" She spoke entering the room.

"Yes mum?" I asked, putting Alec beside me and jerked awake.

He hissed and moved from the bed to his cot, I passed him an apologetic look and then turned to mum who scrunched her nose in disgusts.

"Move that's a little farther please" she said and I did as she said.

I placed the cot that Alec was in on the balcony and walked back inside the room.

"Is everything alright? I thought you were asleep" I said as I sat on the bed.

"Yes, I just wanted to.. talk"she replied sitting beside me.

"Oh before I forget! Sophie's landed back home in one piece" I said and mum nodded.

"Well.." I pressed.

"Ayesha, there's this proposal for you..." Mum spoke and looked at me to show any emotions or even go against it but I didn't, instead I nodded asking her to continue.

"It's been a few days since we received it and your and dad I wanted to pray and you know look into it before bringing it to you and we think it's perfect" she continued.

"Amir?" I questioned pulling my legs up into the bed.

"Well, he was hesitant at first and then he spoke to the suitor and he seems fine with it too" Mum replied.

Okay. I realized that this had been taken far ahead than what I had imagined. If Amir has spoke to this suitor guy, it means that my family is completely open to this guy and me giving him a chance.

"I'll pray istikhara and let you know" I said with a nod.

"Yes, I was about to suggest that too" Mum nodded.

"And don't you want to know who the guy is?" Mum questioned.

"Oh yes about that.." I trailed awkwardly.

"It's Sara's brother, Imran" Mum smiled and then my heart dropped deep down to my stomach.

Butterflies erupted and I bit back a gasp.

"What?" I whispered.

"Yes, it was his proposal dear" she said the stood up and kissed my temple.

"Don't feel pressured because we know them, it's completely alright if you don't like him alright?" She said and then left the room.

He as in Imran asked for my hand in marriage,he asked for my freaking hand in marriage! I let out a huge gasp and a smile played my lips.

I never realized that he would do so, I thought it was a infatuation from his side and never really thought that we'd be something.

I scurried into the washroom and took my ablution and prayed istikahra, although I could tell that the positivity was already oozing from my body. I needed to be sure.

Then I did the next most sensible thing, I rang ilham.

"You won't believe what Mum just said" I breathed into the phone.

"What did she?" Ilham questioned and I heard Imaad groan on the other side.

"I'm sorry am I disturbing you?" I asked.

"When are you not??" Imaad grumbled.

"Forget about him, tell me" Ilham asked curiously.

"Imran sent a proposal over" I said and then I heard a gasp from Imaad and squeal from ilham.

"I knew it!" She exclaimed.

"How? When? Where?" She then questioned, I smiled and played with my hair as i filled her in about what mum had said.

"So wow! He did the halal way! And here I thought he proposed directly to you!" She exclaimed.

"No, he didn't" I said. "Plus we can't be sure it was his idea! Maybe it was aunty layla who suggested" I added.

"Oh please! I don't think so! This gut feeling of mine says that there's more" she said. "Did you not tell me something Ayesha?" Ilham asked.

"Oh! Didn't I tell you that night after dinner, I dropped my tissue and while I was about to pick up he asked me if I'd have changed my decision and I said maybe and that he should take the leap to find out" I said and then I heard a loud gasp.

"Girl! You just directly asked him to ask for your hand in marriage!" She exclaimed.

"No I didn't!" I shrieked.

"Tell me, how that isn't?" She questioned.

"I don't know. I meant it in a way that I was telling him that maybe he should just ask me instead of beating around the bush with a she" i told her.

"If I'm correct and heard right, Ayesha he just asked you!" Ilham huffed.

"Well he used 'she' remember" i protested.

"But still, he did ask you! You Ayesha and you just told him that you wanted him to ask your hand end of story don't pretend" Ilham spoke annoyed.

And then our conversation ended as Imaad said he really wanted to sleep and in order to do that he needed silence and with ilham like that he certainly can't.

I sighed and lied back on bed twirling my hair with my fingers.

Well, Ilham is my best friend after all and she knew what I would have meant when I said that and I'm sure that there's no beating around the bush with her.

God! Now that I think about it, I felt embarrassed! Ashamed that I just asked Imran to ask for my hand in marriage and worst of all, or should I say best of all, that he understood. Comprehended what I meant.

I let out a squeal and buried my head deep in the pillows and eventually feel asleep feeling all giddy and excited.

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