Chapter twenty three

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I wrapped my arms around Sara who was bawling her eyes out like a kid. I ran my free hand through my hair and sighed.

"Stop acting like a kid Sara" I spoke and she cried harder. "God! We're not living in the eighties! There's WhatsApp and viber and Snapchat and instagram! You can call me in any of that and we can talk" I exclaimed.

"But it's not like having you close" she sobbed.

"Don't make this hard" I spoke softly. Just an hour ago i had to walk inside mums room when she was crying like I might no return at all and it broke me to see them like this.

"I'll come every year to see you guys" I spoke as mum entered the room.

"Im? Are you leaving?" Hamza questioned looking at me wide eyes and I sighed.

"Yes baby" I replied Slowly and just as expected he threw a tantrum.

"I'm going with im!"He exclaimed running towards the couch and hugging me.

"God!" I sighed.

After almost an hour Sara had calmed and let me go as she had to help mum for the dinner that we were hosting tonight. I sat on the couch playing with Talha who smiling and giggling with me that day.

"Why do you have to smile and laugh like that today! Out of all the days. Today the day before I leave" I whined and he giggled.

The door bell rang as I was playing with him and tickling him with my beard.

"Imran! Get the door please" Mum spoke.

"Okay!" I replied and walked to the front door with talha.

I opened the door and was met with a man whom I was not familiar with.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"I'm Amir's driver" he spoke with a smile.

"Oh, does he want something from here?" I asked.

"No! I was asked to deliver this here from the house. " he spoke

"It's from aunty fathima?" I asked

"No, Here this is from Ayesha " he said handing me a box. I balanced it with one hand and shut the door with my foot wondering what it was.

"Sara! I think you got a parcel" I said loudly.

She walked into the living room wiping her hands in her top and frowned.

"Me? From?" She asked eyeing the black box.

"Apparently it was from Ayesha" I said putting the box on the table.

"Ohh! That's for you! A thank you gift from Her" she said with a smile.

"Here let me hold him, you can see what's inside" she then said and took talha from me.

My chest hammered as I sat on the couch and took off the ribbon of the box, Sara was looking too and I felt uncomfortable at that moment as if I was opening something was too personal in front of her. But yet I took off the kid of the box and the smell of butter cookies hit me.

I smiled softly as I took one and ate it, I passed some over to Hamza and Sara.

"She asked me what you would prefer and I told her you were a sucker for butter cookies so she made them although I told her it was completely unnecessary" Sara spoke.

"God these are heavenly" I spoke taking another one.

With that being said Sara left the room to put talha to sleep as he began whining.

Under the cookies I found a neatly folded paper and i took it out.

I opened it and hands shivered as I did so and I read it.


First I'm so thankful towards you for saving my life and helping me out. I hope you like the cookies that I baked.

I'm also very sorry. I didn't mean a single word that I had uttered at the cafe. I acted out in a daze and I'm very guilty about it.

It's hurts me to know that you are leaving because of me. So please. Stay.

I felt uneasy after I had read what she had written I folded the paper and put it on my pocket when mum walked in. She smiled as she saw the box in front of me.

"She didn't have to, with her health still weak" she said as she took one and popped it into her mouth.

"They are very good! Do you want me to pack some for you to take?" She asked and I nodded.

She smiled and took the box away from me.

I thought about that day when I went to her house to give her, her bag. The look of guilt that crossed her face when I uttered those words.

But yet I couldn't help it. I knew I had to go because either way it was going to hurt one us.

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