Chapter fifteen

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I met Safiya at school And it got on my nerves real bad. But on the other hand I reminded that it was not my problem that she was hanging out with a non-mehrem and it should not concern myself with it because it was her soon to be fiancé. But her act got on my nerves and she knew it too.

It was the weekend and I was going to meet up with ilham in a near by cafe and I still didn't get out of bed. Finally I heard mums footsteps approaching my room and that's when I dragged my lazy self from the bed to the washroom.

"I'll get a Cafe latte and two of the sugar donuts please" I ordered to the waiter who was new I assumed as he fumbled with the cash register. He handed me my bill and I smiled at him and walked to my table.

I got into a casual black abaya and a mustard yellow hijab which for some reason looked good on me that day.

"Hey! Assalamu Alaikum" Ilham greeted as she side hugged me from my seat.

She wore a black abaya too but with a blue hijab that had pearl in the end.

"Walaikum salam!" I replied "did you order?" I asked and she nodded.

"Seems like they got a new biller" she said and I nodded.

"So, what's so important that you wanted to meet me after almost a month" I asked dryly and she rolled her eyes.

"You make it sound like I totally forgot about you! We texted every single effing day!" Ilham exclaimed.

"Still not like meeting" I mumbled.

"You're such a kid" she complained and I whined acting like one. "God! You're embarrassing! Stop everyone's looking" she whispered yelled and I looked around only to see everyone minding their business besides I wasn't being loud.

"You're just jealous that you can't be like me anymore because you're going to have one" I said and she slapped me real hard that I yelled in pain and that was when people turned.

"God! How many times do I tell you that I'm not pregnant!" She exclaimed.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night" I mumbled holding my right cheek.

The waitress brought our food to the table and I thanked her. I took a sip of my coffee and moaned.

"No coffee is better than this" I said sipping again.

"It's too dark" Ilham said scrunching her nose and then sipping her caramel frappe.

"Your hijab suits you" she commented and I did a hijab flip and smiled while she gagged.

"Anyways. The reason beside I missed you, I called you because..." she slide her phone to me, "is this" she completes.

"What even?" I gasp as I saw her phone.

"Exactly!" She said. "I was using imaad's Instagram the other day and i saw this. Apparently he's his classmate from college"

"Oh trust issues already?" I teased and she glared.

"Not important at the moment but my god! She didn't change after all" I said and ilham agreed.

"But, why act like she did?" She asked

"I don't know" I shrugged.

In the pictures with imaad's classmate was Safiya. With a crop top and shorts totally ditching all the modest wear she wore around us.

"I was thinking of talking to her..." she starts and I immediately call off her idea.

"She's already being Narky. It's her business not ours so we should just leave this" I suggest. Ilham shook her head furiously.

"She's our friend" she protested.

"Correction, she was faking to be our friend" I correct her taking a bite of my donut.

"That's not it!" Ilham said and I raised my eyebrow taking another bite of the heavenly donut.

"She's pregnant" she blurted and I put my donut down.

"What even are you talking?" I question

"I swore I won't tell anyone" she mumbled.

"Too late now. Spill every bean that you know" I said folding my hands on the table.

"Imaad's friend who's David, the guys best friend told him about it after he saw her at out wedding and that now she isn't picking up his calls and looking for a hospital for abortion. But this guy doesn't want to abort the baby. He said to her to give birth to the baby and leave the baby to him, he doesn't care about her. But she's going to do it...." she spilled more and more.

"" Was all I said when she finished. "We need to talk to her.

"Isn't that what I said" Ilham asked rolling her eyes.

I looked at my watch.and then gulped down my coffee and ilham just stared at me.

"Finish yours off. If we leave in about ten we can catch up with her when she's leaving her gym" I told her and she nodded and did as told.

"Come on" she said standing up and taking her bag along. I joined her and got into the car as she drove.

We reached the gym exactly by thirteen minutes. We stayed in car until we saw her walk out and then the two of us left.

"She has company" Ilham muttered and I looked up from my phone towards her way and my heartbeat accelerated.

"Heyy!" Safiya exclaimed as she saw us. She was wearing a blue abaya that was open from below.

I waved awkwardly while ilham smiled and greeted her.

"Assalamu Alaikum Imran" she greeted with a smile

"Walaikum salam. Ilham right?" He asked and I looked back at my phone.

"Yes" Ilham replied and nudged me. "Safiya.." she started and I smelled trouble immediately.

"Yes?" She asked and my eyes went to her belly which had a slight bump which wouldn't be noticed unless looked closer.

"I was wondering if you'd be up for coffee,now" Ilham asked

"Uhh.." she thought.

"It's pretty important" I added.

She looked thoughtfully at me and ilham then said;

"Sure, why don't you join us?" She asked turning to Imran.

"I don't think you'd like that" I said cutting Imran who was going to say something.

"We're engaged! Aisha why would I not?" Safiya asked furiously. "Or maybe you won't like it" she mumbled.

I was about to retort but ilham stopped me.

If that's the case," Ilham said looking at Safiya then at him. "Why don't you come along since Safiya insists? But Safiya, at the end don't blame us!" Ilham said sweetly and I sighed annoyed.

Trying to remind to myself why In the freaking hell did I have to do this.

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