Chapter thirty one

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I sat on the counter twirling my ring in my hand with many thoughts running through my mind.

"Are you okay?"Sara asked worriedly.

"Yes" I said with a smile and she nodded not believing me entirely.

Hamza walked into the kitchen with a book on his hand, he frowned and slammed the book on the table as he sat beside me.

"I can't do this! It's soo hard" he exclaimed as I took a look at his math problem.

"Can I help?"I asked.

"Yes please" he sighed.

"Okay, now you have ten cupcakes, and mum asks you to share it with talha. You and talha need to take half half alright? So now how many would you have?" I asked and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Fiveeee?" He drawled.

"Yes!" I clapped my hands.

"Now look at this one, it says ten divided by two. So this let's say you have ten donuts and you need to pack them in two because that's what they say, so you pack them all. How much packs would you have?" I questioned illustrating workings on a piece of papers.

Hamza looked at the papers and boxed two donuts together with his pen and looked at me with a grin.

"Five" he said.

"Great" I replied and we high-fived.

"Ayesha, dear why do t you dress into a proper dress. Aunty meher would be here any minute" mum spoke looking at me from her cooking.

"Okay" I replied.

"Oh ask Sophie to dress and attend the dinner please" Sara said and I agreed.

I walked back into the Room and informed her what Sara had asked me to, she sighed but nodded. I picked up an outfit and left to the washroom to dress up. Once I did i prayed and left the room as Amir and dad entered the house.

Sophie followed behind me and Amir grinned at her and she waved.

"Finally, ms Sophie decided to move her lazy Ass off the room and dress civil" Amir spoke

"Shut up Amir" Sara said giving him a glare.

Sophie glared at him and he kept his gaze on her not breaking it, I rolled my eyes and moved towards the kitchen to help mum set up the table as the bell rang.

"Dad can you get it?" I called out from the kitchen.

"Okay princess"he spoke and then I heard the click of the door.

"Assalamu Alaikum!" Aunty meher exclaimed and I could hear her loud voice in the kitchen.

Mum wiped her hands on the clothe and made her way outside, pulling Sophie along with her who groaned as she moved. Sara followed suit and left the kitchen and I was the last to do so.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I greeted with a smile looking towards the three of them.

Uncle smiled and patted my head whilst aunty meher kissed forehead. Yusuf passed me a wink and I smiled at him.

I remembered the conversation I had with ilham the other day as I looked at him.

"You guys seem distant now, like as if you are I don't know. Is everything alright Ayesha" Ilham asked through the phone.

"It is, you are simply overthinking" I assured her but she sighed.

"You can talk to me you know, Ayesha for crying out loud I'm your best friend!" She exclaimed and that was all it took, I spilt everything out to her, everything that I had kept from her for months now.

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