Chapter twenty

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Fear creeped inside of me as I watched her threw up blood.

My hands immediately itched to reach out to her but I knew I couldn't so I clenched them and stood there close to her.

I gave her my handkerchief as she was done and she wiped her mouth with trembling hands.

"You are not okay" I stated and she cried out in pain holding onto her abdomen and trying to lean.

My hands immediately shot to her shoulders to hold her steady even before I could think through.

"It hurts" she whimpered and my heart clenched.

"Let's get you to the hospital" I said and helped her up. I tried my best to keep my touch on her minimum as she a non mehram to me. I helped her into the car and then dumped her things into her bag and took that with me.

I got into the car and looked her direction and she was crying with her hands wrapped around her abdomen, my heart beat accelerated and I felt tensed.

It was six pm and that meant traffic,I hit the steering wheel in annoyance as we get caught in the third one.

"You okay?" I asked her turning my gaze toward she and she nodded biting her lips from crying out loud.

After about fifteen minutes we had passed the traffic and then was stuck in the traffic light.

"Shit!" I exclaimed loudly.

I took my phone and tried to call Amir when suddenly Ayesha gasped and her hands caught hold of the sleeve of my shirt.

Panic flooded through my body as I looked at her.

"I..cant..see" she breathed as she balled my sleeve.

I dropped my phone and it hit the ground with a thud but the only thing I could concentrate on was her ragged breathing.

"Ayesha, just keep talking" I spoke my voice calmer than I had expected.

I watched her press her head over the seat with force. "I..can't, it..hurts" she gasped

"Oh lord! Ayesha, look at me. Just look at me" I spoke panic rising inside of me.

She turned towards me her eyes red and her lips quivering and my breath hitched. She was beautiful even when suffering, my heart hammered and it took every inch of me to not pull her close.

"You are beautiful" I whispered and I didn't know if she heard me or not as the very next moment

her hand on my shirt loosened and her head hit the window.

I couldn't move, my hands shook as I adjusted her head and began to drive. My heart accelerated in my chest and my stomach churned.

When we reached the hospital, I yelled for help and soon a doctor and nurses rushed out towards my car.

"She threw up blood and then she had pains on her abdomen and then she told me she couldn't see and suddenly she fainted" I spoke to the nurse who kept writing what I said as they rushed her inside.

"I'll keep you updated sir" with that they took her into the emergency leaving my outside.

I took that time to inform Sara what had happened and asked her to,pass it on to the others.

After a few minutes the same nurse walked out and I stood up from where I was seated.

"She is still being checked, until then I would like to get some information about her" she said.

The whims of her bewildered heart.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora