Chapter twenty nine

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"No, red or pink"


"I said red or pink" he exclaimed a little agitated.

I gritted my teeth and pulled the black one that I saw.

"I say black" I responded kissing my teeth.

"It's not a funeral for goodness sake!" Yusuf exclaimed throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Well.its not a funeral today then why are you wearing black?" I questioned gesturing to his black T-shirt.

"Ayesha! We are talking about our freaking wedding! And you wearing black is unacceptable" Yusuf hissed in my ears.

"Why is my question?" I spoke exhausted by bickering with him for the past hour.

"Because, it's a bed omen. People might not like it" he spoke as calmly as he could.

"Well, it's our wedding not theirs and we get to decide" I whined.

"Ayesha"he sighed running his hands through his hair.

"Yusuf" I sighed to too.

"How about," the assistant spoke and it was then that I realized that we had an audience.

I could feel Sophie's and Sara's eyes on us but I chose to ignore and kept looking at Yusuf who was giving me a pelading look.

"Yes" I spoke looking towards her with the black lehenga still on my hands.

"We could design a personalized one for" she said and grabbed her iPad from the table.

I turned towards Yusuf who looked at me with raised eyebrows and shrugged.

"Still no black, maybe grey?" He suggested and I thought about it with my hands caressing the lehenga I was holding.

Yusuf came closer and held the dress out for him to see.

"It's beautiful Ayesha, and I know you'd look stunning in it. But I don't want people gossiping on our day, I want you and the rest of them happy. But most Importantly you.its your day So I'm not gonna put any more fight. If you want this, you can go ahead" he spoke his gaze on mine. For the first time with Yusuf, my heart fluttered and I smiled.

"It's our day" I corrected and put the dress back in its place.

Yusuf smiled and I saw relief in his eyes, he entwined our hands and walked further into the boutique with Sophie and Sara in our heels.

"They are soo cute" the assistant whispered to another as we walked by and Yusuf winked in my direction and I rolled my eyes.

I halted as something caught my eyes, by breath hitched and I felt Sophie collide in Yusuf. In a swift move he left my hand and turned towards her but that wasn't what I cared of, it was what was on front of me.

"You okay?" Yusuf questioned her.

"Yes" Sophie spoke, her voice a mere whisper.

"Yusuf" I breathed and he looked at me.

I pointed towards the dress that caught my eyes and he smiled and walked towards it.

He pointed it to the assistant who took it and placed it on the couch so we could look.

"Can I try it out?" I questioned.

The assistant nodded and rushed me inside the room with the dress trailing behind by another.

I helped myself into the beautiful embroidery lehenga and started at myself in the direction.

It looked stunning and I could feel that this was the one for my day. I ran my hand through the skirt and smiled. With the help of the assistant I walked towards the room where now the trio who decided to help me select sat and I noticed a new entry, ilham holding a little bump and speaking with Sara.

"Okay" I sighed nervously as I stood in front of them.

The girls gasped loudly and it caused more nervousness within me, I glanced towards Yusuf who was using his phone when I entered but now had his mouth hung open.

"Say something" I pushed as few moment of silence followed.

"It's beautiful" Sara smiled and pulled me into a hug and I smiled.

"I know, it looks exotic" Sophie and ilham squealed and I grinned.

I turned towards Yusuf who still looked at me with that deep eyes and I raised my eyebrows, he straightened himself and walked towards causing me to go all giddy on the inside.

"Stunning, breathtaking,stupendous, fabulous, I can come up with more if you want" he whispered and I was sure the rest heard it as they all awed.

I smiled and playfully swatted him and he grinned.

"Pack this for us please" Yusuf said once I had got out of the dress and was in my abaya again.

He pulled his card to pay but I beat him to it, he raised his eyebrows and gently pushed my hand away but I shook my head.

"Let me, because that dress is the one no matter what" I whispered looking at him and he understood.

"So, why can't I pay" he questioned.

"You know why?" I responded and he sighed.

"Let me please" he spoke but then I already handed the card to the cashier as he was too occupied with me.

We walked out after paying and I glimpsed at Sophie was walking far behind us, she was looking at Yusuf and I saw regret and also yearning? I shook my head off the thought and walked into the car with ilham with whom I was going to spend my day but yet that didn't tear my thoughts from her look.

"What are you thinking about?" Ilham questioned as we drove to a restaurant for lunch.

"Nothing" I shrugged.

"Yusuf is a sweetheart, you are lucky to have him you know" she spoke I smiled.

"I know" I said playing with the ring on my finger.

"But Ayesha, don't you think you are stealing his happiness?" Ilham questioned a little more seriously. "I mean I'm not dumb not to understand that you still have feelings for imran and it might never change, he deserves to know and maybe then you guys can decide."

"He knows" I sighed and ilham looked at me wide eyes.

"What?" She gasped.

"He doubted that day when imran came home, I froze on the stairs and kept looking him so later that night he called me and asked and I told him about everything" I filled her.

"What did he say?" She pressed.

"He told me that if really still have a liking for him that I need to pursue it and he would be supportive" I spoke still playing with the ring on my hand. "I told him i needed time to think about it and I also told him that he was dear to me"

"Ayesha I get it. You guys are cousin so the physical touch between the two of you are pretty Normal but don't you think it's not right on the fact that you might leave him? You always hold hands and I saw the other day and he kissed you on your forehead. I know according to you two it's pretty normal as cousins but now the two of you are more than that" Ilham spoke holding my hand.

"I know" I sighed. "It's like when we are closer, we just the need the touch. We spoke about it and I decided to minimize it as much as we can yet at times it just happens"

"Now lets just forget I'm getting married and for once have a little fun" I said and ilham agreed and the rest of the day, the two of us laughed and joked and spoke and I completely forgot for once about the ring in my hand and the two men who filled my thoughts for the past week.

The whims of her bewildered heart.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora