Chapter twenty seven

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One and half year later.

"Monkey" Sophie exclaimed throwing her hijab over her head as Amir entered the room with no indication.

"Hey there donkey!" Amir replied smirking and Sophie simply rolled her eyes.

"Pig" she muttered as he plopped on the couch next to her too close to her liking.

Ever since Sophie arrived from Australia, this was a routined bickering between the two.

I watched the two of them as I wrapped my hijab with a derisive smile curving my lips.

"Amir! There's someone at the door" Mum yelled from the kitchen and Amir left the room making faces at Sophie.

"Ugh. How do you even live with him?" Sophie questioned me.

"Well, they are both the same so I highly doubt they would have problem" Farrah replied shrugging her shoulders.

I rolled my eyes and pinned my baby blue hijab In place.

"I can't wait to go back" she then muttered making a face. "No offense Ayesha, it's just that I'm sick of wearing the hijab all day!"

"I get it" I replied gesturing towards myself who Dressed in a blue and grey Pakistan suit after ages.

"I get it" I replied gesturing towards myself who Dressed in a blue and grey Pakistan suit after ages

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"If it's because my husband..." Farrah started but Sophie cut her off.

"No, even if it wasn't for your husband we should wear it, there are other men too" she said quickly because she knew the next thing Farrah would do is send her husband off.

"I'll go check on Mum" I spoke.

Farrah and Sophie waved at me lazily from their spots and I blew a sloppy kiss towards them and left the room.

Laughter boomed downstairs, 'men' I thought and rolled my eyes. I walked down the stairs and mid stair almost slipped.

"Careful there" he spoke, his hands immediately on mine.

I looked at him and smiled lazily while he glared. I patted him on his cheek.

"Let me help you walk" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Yusuf, I think she is pretty capable of walking down herself" Amir spoke amusement evident in his voice.

"I know! I'm just looking out" he said and entwined our hands.

"God! Why not just carry her man? Best 'looking out'" Malik, Farrah's husband spoke.

"And I have to end up in the hospital with an broken arm carrying her isn't the best based on how fat she has become" he said shrugging and laughter echoed in the room.

I pulled my hand from his scowling, and he grinned pulling me close.

"I hate you" I said and hit his chest.

"Aww, then why did you agree to marry me?" He teased.

I was about to retort but froze as I heard mums voice as she entered the room.

"Imran! Assalamu Alaikum" she exclaimed.

I turned towards the couch and found him, sitting next to Amir. He smiled at mum and stood up to greet her. After a few moments his eyes glanced towards mine and trailed towards my ring finger where my engagement ring shined with pride, my heart accelerated.

"You ok?" Yusuf asked concern laced in his voice.

"Yes" I croaked and walked the rest of the stairs and entered the kitchen.

Talha took baby steps towards me and pulled my top, I looked at him with raised eyebrows and he gestured towards the cookies on the table. I picked him up and handed him a cookie which he munched down quickly keeping his eye at the door making sure his mum wasn't around.

"Talha, baby someone is here to see you" Sara walked smiling.

I handed the baby over to her and they walked towards the living room while I poured some water and gulped it down my hands shaking.

I didn't have more time to ponder about him as Sophie and Farrah walked inside.

"Is that Sara's brother?" Farrah questioned helping me set the table for dinner and I nodded.

"Cute" Sophie murmured and I shot her a look, she grinned and walked into the dining room with dishes.

Once dinner had been set, I walked to where the ladies where sitting.

Aunt Layla smiled at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations on your engagement, I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend it" she said.

"Thanks aunty" I replied with a smile.

The door bell rung and I stood up to get it, knowing for sure that Amir won't do so.

Ilham stood next to imaad grinning wide.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I greeted opening the door wide to let them in.

Imaad greeted me and walked towards the men's living room whilst ilham and I walked to the kitchen with the little confectionery that ilham had bought along.

As we passed the men's room ilham gasped and turned towards me, I kept my gaze unwavering and face emotionless.

"Is that imran I saw?" She questioned.

"Yes" I replied.

"Ayesha..." she begun and I shook my head.

"It's Yusuf now" I said.

Ilham nodded her head in assurance although her eyes said otherwise.

But I was sure, he was the one for me and there is no going back.

The whims of her bewildered heart.Where stories live. Discover now