Chapter eight

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Aisha's p.o.v

Weeks flew by and now it was days. Three days left for the wedding. Three days for my best friends wedding. I smiled at the thought that my best friend would be no longer mine as i left home for hers. Ilham became very anxious as days flew by. Today she literally called me just as I finished praying fajr and demanded me to come which I obviously refused to do so because I need my two hour after fajr sleep. I entered the crowded wedding house and greeted everyone whom I passed by that by the time I got to ilham's room my cheeks hurt.

"Assalamu Alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu habbibi" I greeted ilham

"Walaikum Salam warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu shithead" she replied.

I pinched her cheeks and she groaned. She slapped my hands away and walked towards her closet and put her clothes out.

"Now, now bride to be is this how you treat you best friend. Oh my! You aren't even married yet and see you treat my like dirt just imagined once married!" I exclaimed making myself comfortable on her bed and that was when a shirt was thrown to my face.

"Monkey! I asked you to come early! And see you are here at what? 11? What took you long huh? Here I am alone losing my nerves and there you go! You wanted that beauty sleep of yours" she yelled and I grinned.

"Auzo billahi Mina shaitani Rajim" I blew on her and she got madder.

"You shitty dumb head" she yelled again and threw a pillow at me. I laughed rolling in her bed that I didn't realize kulthoom entering the room and looking at me wide eyes.

"Hey! Kulthoom!" I exclaimed and sat up straight.

"You guys have to be going by now! 11:30 you have your waxing and at 2:00 you have your facial and haircut!You need to be home by 4!" Kulthoom exclaimed and ushered an half ready ilham and me out of the room.

"I need to get my bag" I told her and went back in to get it. When I came out ilham had wrapped up her hijab and looked presentable. We both greeted everyone and left the house. Ilham threw the keys to me and got in. We drove to the waxing house first to get her waxed and I sat outside flipping through magazines till she was done.

"Oh my god! It's sticky!" Ilham complained moving in her seat as we drove to the salon after her waxing.

"That's exactly why I suggested you do this last" I said laughing.

"I thought you'd do it with me" she stated and I shook my head.

"I think I'm fine! I like the way my hands and legs look with hair so it's okay" I said and she grinned.

We reached the salon and I ushered ilham forward into the room but she dragged me with her. I raised my eyebrow at her and she shrugged.

"Kulthoom and mum wanted to treat you for all the hard work for my wedding" she said and took of her hijab and abaya and relaxed into a seat and within the next spam a lady ushered me to remove mine and dragged me to a seat.

"They shouldn't have!" I exclaimed to ilham who shrugged her shoulders and shut her eyes getting ready for the pampering and I did too.

It took us almost two to three hours to be done and when we left the salon the both of us felt refreshed and calm.

"Look at your nails they look nicer" ilham said comparing her manicure to mine.

"No yours look better" I replied.

"It does! I never said it was did I?" She retorted with a smirk and I glared at her.

I dropped her off at her house and then drove to mine to get dressed for the Surprise bridal shower that I was hosting for ilham.

I dressed up and rushed to the hotel in which the bridal shower was going to be hosted. I met with the people and looked at the decorations and was absolutely in love with it.

Soon all our friends started gathering in and we all did the last minute touch up together until it was time for ilham to arrive. Kulthoom agreed on dropping ilham in the hotel. About half an hour later I get a call saying that they were close by. We switch off the lights and stand behind waiting for the door to be opened. And when it did we all jumped forward.

"SURPRISE!" We all yelled causing ilham to gasp and take a step backwards. She then relaxed and broke into a grin.

"Awww" she cooed as she entered the room and looked at the decorations. She immediately knew it was me. Her eyes started tearing and she grabbed me into a tight hug.

"Aww someone's emotional" I said laughing trying to push back the tears from my own eyes.

Ilham laughed along and pulled away. She then met with our other friends and then came the cake cutting, the photo booth, the teasing and the 'your next' talks. I sat back once all of these was over and it was only safiya, ilham and me chilling with our Arab champagne that we ordered and thanked Allah for blessing me with the absolute best of friends.

"Amazing how your parents allowed you to stay over dinner" ilham mused looking at me and I shrugged.

"Maybe they realized that one day eventually they need to let me go." I replied with a smile. I was over the moon when they agreed to let me out at night that to with my friends because it never happened to me.

"Or maybe it was because your brother is sitting right outside" safiya said with a amusing smile that she tried to hide. I push myself forward on the chair and look and safiya was right. My brother was there sipping his coffee and laughing over something the other person said. I try to take a closer look at who is with but I couldn't. I lean back on my chair and groan. Then my eyes lit up.

"Whatever your thinking I'm not up for it" ilham said as if she read my mind.

I whined and leaned further into my chair and chugged down my Champagne. Then suddenly safiya laughed looking at her glass of drink.

"Finally we get halal champagne" she said then gulped down her champagne.

"I know right. This sounds and looks so adultish i guess" ilham replied looking at her own glass.

"You mean haram adultish" I said and she grinned.

We sat there speaking and laughing along until it was time to leave. We hugged each other and then I left towards where my brother was. As I went closer I saw that it was none other than Imran sitting next to him. My stomach churned and my hands got sweaty. I lowered my gaze and made my way towards the table.

"Aisha!" Amir exclaimed "I thought mum didn't tell you I was here"

"She didn't." I replied with no emotion.

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on my forehead knowing clearly I was annoyed with the fact that mum sent him here to keep an eye on me.

"She love you" he whispered in my ears.

"Loves me in enough to not trust me" I retorted

"Loves you enough not to left you all alone in this cruel world" he corrected and then gestured imran to stand. We walked together to the car and I took the back seat whilst imran took the front. The ride was awkwardly quiet. Imran and Amir kept making small talks with each other and I was just looking outside.

My phone beeped indicating messages. I looked through it and replied to them my whole way back. When we reached home. I said my salams and I didn't know why but looked his way to only realize he was looking my way. I looked away hastily and walked in. Once I had reached inside I heard the car zoom away. And standing there that night I wondered why can't my feelings do the same too.

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