Chapter three

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Aisha's p.o.v

"Aisha you need to stop sleeping all day! Wake up and be a little productive." Mom exclaimed entering my room and waking me up. I groaned and covered my ears with my duvet which she pulled off as soon as I did that.

"Ma! I'm on holiday" I said and tried to snuggle again but she pulled of the entire duvet. "Mom please" I whined but she shook her head.

"Pray asr and get your lazy bum of the room before I do something you regret" she said and left. I groaned loud enough for her to hear and got off the bed and into the washroom. I prayed my Salah and grabbed a book from my bookshelf and went downstairs to the kitchen where mum was.

I sat on the living room all comfy and read for an hour until it was Salah time. I left to my room and prayed and recited the Quran. I always loved the times I recited for it brought to me a different type of happiness. My heart became serene and I felt at peace after reading and contemplating it. When it was time for isha I stopped reciting and prayed my Salah. By the time I was done the door bell rang and I knew my dad and Amir was home.

"Assalamu Alaikum" I greeted the two who were busy stuffing their mouth.

My dad mumbled his reply whilst Amir said it loud mouthful. I scrunched my nose in disgust and mum whacked him on his head. He grinned and continued eating. I took my seat and served some food for myself and ate them in silence listening to Amir and dad talk about work.

"Isn't Hamza coming today?" I asked Amir who shook his head.

"Why?" I whined.

"Imran, Sarah's brother is here from England" he stated and I grew numb. I dropped the spoon in my hand as my fingers trembled.

"Aisha you ok?" My brother asked worried.

"Yes" I choked out. Ya Allah let me not encounter him during his vacation here. I really legit didn't want to meet him after what had happened five years ago. I was over it almost a week after he left but yet the thought of meeting him nauseated me and it brought shivers to me.

"Fathima called and spoke to me. She told he was here" mum said to dad who nodded eating.

"Let her stay there for a week or so it's been five years since she met him" dad said and mum agreed.

"You too Amir. I don't expect you to stay here whilst she is gone" mum said looking at Amir who was caught red handed. He nodded obediently.

"One week!" I exclaimed "I'll miss Hamza" I whined and mum rolled her eyes.

"You can meet him in the masjid aisha"mum said.

"But still!" I exclaimed.

"Stop acting like a baby" she scolded and I immediately did stop.

We ate our dinner and then Amir left to his in laws and I went back to my room and slumped on my bed. I surfed through my phone looking for any messaged or feeds but there was nothing. Therefore I decide on Netflixing grabbing my MacBook that was on my table, I switch it on. I watched the perfect date, I watched everything and everything and once that was over that was it. I wasn't still sleepy but I was done watching movie. It was almost 2am. I silently got left my room and went into the kitchen for some ice cream. I had some in silence watching the dark sky and admiring the quiet night. It was so serene. I opened the window a little and allowed the cold night breeze to hit my face, I closed my eyes and savored the moment, it's not everyday you put your head out without the hijab and feel your hair fly around freely! Then I slowly creeped back into my room and closed the door. I lied on bed and switched of the lights and twisted and turned in bed several times until sleepy unwillingly consumed me.


I woke up for thahajud and prayed my Salah and recited the Quran till dawn. I didn't know why but I was found it very hard to sleep. I then decided to make breakfast for mum, dad and me. By the time mum and dad woke up and was down breakfast was already set. Mum was astonished and dad grinned when he saw the variety in table. I made some sandwiches. Pancakes and muffins. There was also an fried egg with vegetables for dad. Mum kissed my forehead and thanked me while dad dived in. I sat and reluctantly ate a piece of sandwich and a glass of blueberry juice.

"Assalamu Alaikum" Amir's voice echoed in the kitchen. We replied to him in unison.

Mum ushered him towards the dining table and said "come! Your sister made breakfast join us!"

Amir looked at me wide eyes and I just shrugged. He smiled at me and then told me "I rather not. I'm too young to die"

"Hey! They taste good alright!" I exclaimed and my mum fake coughed. I turned to my dad to help me but alas!

"Honey, it's not good etiquette to praise your own self" he said and mum and Amir burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes at them and gulped down my juice.

A wave of nausea hit me and I let out an inaudible gasp. Assuming it was due to my lack/oversleep. I left to my room for a shower. I changed into a tee and trousers and was about to jump into bed for a quick nap but my phone rang. I looked at the caller Id and debated if I had to take it. It was my aunt from abroad and don't take it wrong. She's nice and my favorite but I was in no mood to talk. So I did the most eligible thing possible, I rushed to my mum who was cleaning the living room and asked her to speak. I lied on the couch waiting for her to finish and eventually dozed off.

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