Chapter sixteen

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Warning! Incoherent words ahead! I do not support cursing nor do I curse. I used swear words in this chapter to only bring out the character. And I hopefully won't have any other chapters that would include incoherent words!

"I'll be in the car, let's meet at noir if she wants to come" I said and with that I walked into the car and slammed the door shut.

That girl really knew to get on my nerves. How did I even put up with her for the past three years? I thought and I couldn't beat to it. A while later ilham entered the car.

"They're coming" Ilham said putting emphasis in the 'they're'.

"Whatever suits her" I replied and turned on the radio.

'And I need you to know that we're,

Fallin' so fast, we're falling like the stars,

We're falling in love.

And I'm not scared to say those words,

With you I'm safe,

We're fallin like the stars,

Fallin in love.'

I sang as we drove to the cafe and ilham joined time to time messing it up and then going quiet.

We reached in about fifteen minutes and when we entered the cafe they were already there.

"Did you guys order something?" Safiya asked as we sat.

"No, we already had some before we came to meet you" Ilham replied and I wondered how she could talk so normally after how fake she has been with us.

It was very awkward, nobody spoke then ilham cleared her throat.

"You know what" I spoke. "Let's meet up another day, the three of us like old times and then we talk" I said trying to sound normal as I could.

"Why? Tongue tie now eh Aisha?" Safiya teased and it took every ounce of me not to spill her secret very loudly and punching her right on her nose.

"If you really don't mind talking about some personal things with him beside,I don't mind at all" I replied with a shrug.

"Oh, I don't at all,after all we're gonna be spending all our lives as one so what's there to hide" she said with a smirk and Imran shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"Safiya, I think I'm need to leave, besides it's not really right for me to spend time with you without your wali or Mehrem and you always keep bumping onto me and we end up spending time. Plus you need to spend time with them without me" he said and stood up but she caught his hand and my stomach churned. He immediately pulled away.

"Stay! It's a way for you to get to know me" she said smiling flirtatiously.

"No.." he protested but she kept nagging until he did.

"So,Aisha?" Safiya asked.

I grabbed ilham's phone and switched it on and handed her the phone. She froze and the phone dropped from her hands to the table and she looked at Imran.

"I think you should go" she said but he already glimpsed at what she saw. Instead he took the phone to his hand a looked through it.

"You guys have no idea what you're getting into" she hissed.

"What we are getting into is simply going to help you" Ilham replied.

She turned to Imran who had a look of disgust on his face.

"It's not what it looks like" she started but he stopped her and the turned to ilham.

"When was this taken?" He asked her.

"Start of summer holidays" she replied.

"Is that it or more?" He asked, his tone bitter.

"No" I whispered to ilham but she shook her head.

"He's going to talk to you parents this weekend. I suggest you be the first to tell them" she told Safiya who glared at her.

"You just want to ruin me don't you?" She spit staring at me then ilham.

"We're just trying to help you." I said softly. "Just imagine if a random guy goes to your parents and tell them about you. It's gonna be worse than you telling them. Own up your mistakes before it's too late" I said softly but she was in no mood to listen.

"You just want to ruin my life!" She exclaimed. "You're jealous that I got Imran and that I was marrying him! I knew it! I knew you'd cause trouble and be a b**** cause isn't that what you are, you piece of shit. she yelled and I flinched.

"Safiya" Ilham warned.

"What?" She snapped. "You like him and you want him for you and that's why you are doing this aren't you? I should've know that you still like him! You hoe" she yelled once more and tears threatened to escape as she cursed me while ilham tried to stop her.

"Attest for the sake of the baby in your stomach stop!" Ilham yelled and that did shut her up.

"You are pregnant?" Imran asked disbelief evident on his face.

"What? No! This b****es are lying" she exclaimed.

"Mind your words" he yelled and she stared at him.

"You don't believe what they say do you?" She asked clinging onto his jacket and he moved back casing her hands to drop.

"You b****! It's all your fault!!" Safiya exclaimed and threw her glass at me and I dodge and it breaks right behind me and the she begins cursing again.

And that was it. I was done with this. I stood up and stared at her.

"Honestly, after knowing all this all I wanted to do was to help you, even after knowing you were faking yourself and all you want to do is blame it on me! It's all my fault! For trusting you blindly and befriending you, I think I deserve all what you said" I spoke my voice trembling but I did not care. I then turned towards Imran,

"And Yes, I liked you five years ago. It was just an infatuation. That was it. I don't like you now and god! I hope I never like you ever again in my life." I said as a sob escapes my lips. "Why do you always have to cause me heartbreak?" I asked looking his way ignoring Safiya's curses. With that I rushed out of the cafeteria with ilham following me calling out.

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