freya mikaelson

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as i walk through the mikaelson home the bed and everything is already delieved i smile at rebekah as marcel vamp speeds up to her and kisses her  picking her up off her feetand putting her down

'come on wifey we have venues to look at' he says she smiles and pecks his lips

' i have to help kira babe' she says

'ill help' freya says marcel smiles

'See freya can help' he smiles
rebekah rolls her eyes then smiles at me 'bye baby sister' then within a second they vamp speeded out of the building i look back seeing freya and smile awkwardly.

I grab the bed that is already made for some stupid reason clearly the year 2019 is  full of stupid  people i try to drag it as freya taps my shoulder then pushes me back and waves her hands over the bed and it disapears right now i dont have a bed i look at her

'what was that for?' I huff i hear a loud bang upstairs i jump and run upstairs to the empty room thats soon to be mine and see the bed sitting there in pefect condition  i look back hearing freya breathing         

'neat trick huh?' She says i laugh  and grab  her hand

'show me how to do that' i say excited she smiles and leads me downstairs.

'Okay hold your hand out and imagine  the wardrobe upstairs in a space you want it to be in  then it will  happen' i look back at her as she hands me a book 'oh and recite this spell  while thinking  of wardrobe moving' she says i look at her excited and recite the words

Cupio mihi obiicere electionem patrem moveat

I close my eyes imagining it in the corner by the window but not blocking it  and then i feel a weight  on my head and i open my eyes and its gone i laugh  loudly as freya smiles at me  '

woah!' I say she grabbs my arm

' i could teach you all the spells one day if you like' she suggests i smirk at her

'I'd  like that' i say, i wonder how  much i could lift? i turn to the dressing table and bedside table with a devilish smirk   and recite the chant carrying them both at the same time i picture where  i want them to go and then close  my eyes i open my eyes as the weight gets heavier  i turn smiling at freya as i feel something trickle  down my nose i turn and touch it blood.

'You okay?' She asks 'yeah im okay'

I go to turn around  but stumble
'Kira' freya shouts my body falls forwards as hands catch me me.

I look up and see kol well a blurry kol 'What the hell freya!'i hear him shout

'Kol!'davina shouts freya runs  to me

'Im sorey kira i didn't' she starts but kol flashes his fangs at her

'kol stop it!' Davina screams she walks over  to me and presses her hand to my head i feel a weight lifted as she smiles at me

'shes just  worn out she performed a big spell not even two days  ago shes just exhausted'

kol looks at me and  picks me up hands on my back  and under my legs  as he walks me somewhere
'bed rest for you little sister' he smiles before laying me down in bed  he pulls the cover over my head as my eyes  slowly flutter shut

'kira' he says worried davina appears behind him

'shes okay i cast a spell for her to sleep well so her mind can  rest shes okay' she says soothing him she kisses his cheek and leads him out of the room as he smiles at me

'sleep tight little  one' he soothingly says.


Sorry its so short ❤❤im doing a part two for freya though don't worry

So freya taught her a new magic trick but kiras body  couldnt handle it 

Woah kol was really mad is kira  a new favourite?

I do love a protective  kol ❤😢

So just  incase you don't  understand what im doing im having a chapter each with every sibling and after ive done a chapter with kira bonding with her siblings seperatly a story line will begin  i just feel its important  to see these relationships with kira
So far weve had


Edit: 16/12/20

Just adding paragraphs to make it easier to read

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