high frequency

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kol walks me to marcels counter and leans me against it as he runs and gets a cloth

'what happened in there?' he asks

my mind flashes to the green glow and the burning sensation in my throat i reach out and end up squeezing kols arm  he looks at me his face flushed with worry

'kira?' i shake my head taking the cloth out of his hand  and wipe my nose

'what happend in there?' klaus asks  coming up to me lifting up my chin to examine the damage 

i shove off his hands and see garret smirking at me from the other room i slam my hand down and storm into the room  and kick his chair backwards his head falls down then lifts back up while he laughs deeply smiling at me

'why did you show me that what was that?' i ask flusterd still feeling the tight pull on my chest he smirks but stays silent 'tell me !' i shout 

kol stepps forward and grabs my shoulder i push him off  and kick garrets chair getting close to his face  he smirks at me

'smirk all you want your going to be here for a long time so have a long good think about your answer to her question' marcel says garret laughs

'what makes you think im staying' he says titlting his head half smirking

'what do you mean by that?' marcel asks garret just looks at me as i cross my arms a numb ringing starts to bundle up in my ear i tilt my ear onto my shoulder as he smiles

'its happening isnt it ?' he says happy

i look at him as both my ears start to get hot and clammy i rub them softly grunting

'what do you mean by that?' marcel says

  'i mean im getting out mate' he laughs

my ears become way to hot and start to burn feeling like my ear is literaly on fire then comes the ringing first queit then gradually becomes louder and LOUDER i grab ahold of my ears screaming out in pain  kol and marcel grab my shoulders and try to help me with my pain but  the ringing becomes a scream i fall to my knees and shout  in pain feeling the blood trickle down the back of my mind

'hope' i whimper looking up at garret 'you bastard!' i shout

i stagger to my feet pushing marcel and kol off and walking toward the door i take my hands off my shoulder and try to bear the pain squinting my eyes as i run out of marcels heading to the compound.

i reach a lampost on the road of the compound  and cling against it the hot burning tears falling down my face  dissolving into the crimson red dribbling down from my nose  i clutch my head as i run through the pain reaching the entrance of the compound  as hope screams throwing her hands forwards to elijah throwing him across the room white clear waves radiating off her  channeling through her hands

'hope!' klaus screams she turns throwing him against the wall

'he tried to kill me he brought  a stake he was going to dagger me he wants me dead like the way he killed my mother' she says

klaus stands up 'hope he hasnt got a dagger hes unarmed your uncle would never hurt you' klaus says walking closer towards her

'STAY AWAY!' she shouts

'hope!'i shout towards her as her eyes flash a crystal blue  as she looks at Elijah

'YOU LET HER DIE!!' she shouts   cracking his bones before she looks back at klaus angry

'this is part of the plan first you kill landon so that when uncle elijah kills me noone will look for me you never wanted me dad you didnt want me' she shouts at him

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя