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'What do you mean gone?' I say annoyed Elijah steps forwards

' he just left his not answering his phone and Freya cannot find his location..' He says

'no' I say tears in my eyes 

'we haven't gave up yet we are still looking for him we just thought it was best you knew' I shake my head stepping back

'no no no Elijah how can he just what happened I.. I can't I'm sorry' I say turning on my heel and running as fast as I could

this is all a joke a prank his just at home waiting for me so he can annoy me as he always does I pump my legs as fast as I can feeling my phone vibrating like crazy in my pocket as I reach the steps to a place I had called home for the past few days

I slam the door open clutching onto the sofa 'kol?!' I shout running into the kitchen

it's empty

I run upstairs tears welling in my eyes as I reach the bedroom door walking through empty

'kol where are you?' I barely speak

I climb onto the bed and curl up in a ball  and cover my eyes. I came here to protect my family all of them and I've failed. I scream out in anger and throw the glass vase across the floor as my chest heaves up and down heavily. My phone vibrates aggressively in my pocket as I pull it out

'what?' I say

'Where are you?' Elijahs voice asks sweetly laced with concern

' why?' I say with no emotion

'I want to make sure your safe and not doing anything stupid' he says carefully picking his words  I sigh into the phone

'I just want to be alone' I say quietly

'Okay that's fine but don't do anything reckless' he says I mumble a response and turn my phone off.

'Kira' a voice softly says I look up seeing josh  I smile  as I fall into his open arms

'what are you doing here where's davina?' I ask he lies back with me

'she's with marcel she's okay,well she's not okay but she's alright' i sigh against his chest

'why are you here?' I ask he looks down at me laughing

'Jesus I know where I'm not wanted' he smirks I smack his chest

'you know I didn't mean it like that' I sigh

' I seen you run out and followed you,I was worried about you Kira' he says 'and friends don't let other friends suffer in silence, especially when it's kol' I look up at him

'what do you mean by that?' I ask

'you have a liking towards kol his your favourite' I shake my head

'I love them all equally' I say defensively

'it's okay to have favourites they all do Freya loves Finn the most klaus and Elijah are more keen to Rebekah and out of all my friends you and davina are my favourite' he smiles I laugh

'you have no other friends' I tease he rolls his eyes

'I have friends' he says  sitting up looking at me I roll my eyes

'really name one' I say

'marcel' he says smirking as I shake my head as he laughs 

. 'So what do you want to do?' He asks I look at him confused as he wipes my tears

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin