Filling in the gaps

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I stir the mixture in the cup as i walk through the livingroom to Luke as i hand him the tea

'Thanks Elijah' he says

he takes a sip as he searches for the papers with Kol as me and marcel looks at each other

'This is everything that she used to find out her identity right?' Kol asks

'Yeah we didn't have time to clean it all up she was working on this for days' Luke says as I nod at Marcel to follow me into the kitchen

'Has Josh gotten anywhere with the phone?' i ask

'His nearly done he fixed the damage his just hooking it up to the computer but it can take a while' he explains

'Who's your  best guess as who's got her?' I ask

'I'm not sure It could be anyone from Garret to anyone who wants the hollow' he shrugs

'What do you mean are you trying to imply i don't know my own bloody sister!?' Kol yells as i look at Marcel sighing as we both go over

'Kol a word?' i say

'We haven't got time we need to search-' he starts

'Kol' Marcel says sternly

Kol rolls his eyes before walking over to me as we all walk to the kitchen

'You do understand yelling at the poor boy isn't going to solve anything' I say

'Yeah well if he had just figured out that she was in some sort of danger then we wouldn't of lost her' he says

'Brother you was too shocked as well were you not? this is no one's fault but right now we need to find Kira not argue about pointless things okay?' i say as he grumbles

'Why don't you look through the computer for recent searches and im sure by tonight we'll have everything we need to go and find her okay' i say as he walks away annoyed

I watch as he grabs the laptop going to sit by Marcel who smiles at him softly

'Kira did freak out over a news article said something about her dad and murdering someone' Luke says

i walk over and pick up the article as i see a murder scene and see my father Mikael

'Thats strange there's no mention of his name in here and she couldn't of gotten all that from a picture...unless' i say thinking

'Unless what?' Kol says

'i have a feeling Kira went through the article' i say

'But that's impossible witches cannot do that that cant see the past or the present in that much detail only flashes' Kol says

'I think she did more than that brother or else how did she freak out and learn that much detail hmm, we need to contact mother she's the only one who can explain this to us you have to call Davina immediately' i say as Kol pulls out his phone

A few moments later the door knocks as I answer the door seeing Davina

'Hey' Davina says as Marcel walks over giving her a hug

Kol then wraps his arm around her kissing her head softly

'Still got the suit on' she smiles

'i haven't had time to take it off yet' Kol smiles as she looks at  me smiling

'So what are we doing then?' She asks looking around the room

'We're going to contact our mother' I say as she nods

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα