glowing rocks

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I wake up to Elijah softly nudging me 'you fell asleep' I sit up yawning

'how long have I been asleep?' I ask he looks at his watch

'it's 5pm' I sit up rubbing my eyes

'how's Landon?' I ask glancing up stairs

'his awake just weak' I sigh in relief

'I better go and speak to him make sure he doesn't remember anything vampirey' Elijah smirks before walking off

'Landon...?' I walk into hope and Landon lips inches away from other

  'oh my gosh I'm so sorry' I say backing out of the room before looking back inside

'I've come to check him over I can come back another time?' I offer hope straightens out her shirt and shakes her head

'no it's fine we were just.. Talking' I smile nodding

I walk over to Landon placing my hand over his head as I do a subtle spell to clear any illnesses virus's or injuries I step back

'his all okay I'd just say to take it slow for a while, is there anywhere you can stay?' I ask him he shrugs as hope looks at me

'no your uncle kol would rip his throat out and your dad would turn him to ash' I look back to a now concerned Landon 'metaphorically of course ' I smile Landon clears his throat

'well Luke said I can stay with him if my parents don't show' I nod

'that sounds like a plan I'll make the arrangements  for you, hope' I smile as I look between them both before walking down stairs.

i dial the number he slipped into my coat pocket not so subtly the other day and ring his line.When i hear his voice i roll my eyes at his annoying charms

'luke is that you?' he sighs

'wow kira how did you get my number' he says dumbly

'dont play coy luke i need your help' he stops laughing

'whats wrong is everything okay?'  he asks  i nod then remeber he can't hear me

' could you just come back to the compound and we'll talk then?' i half ask he murmers in agreement and ends the call, elijah walks back in

'so whats happening then little sister?' he asks i smirk at him

'luke is coming to take luke in so klaus doesn't rip his head off' elijah smirks back

'that would be awfully terrible wouldn't it' i roll my eyes and sit down waiting for Luke

I see the familair soft hair and blue eyes walk through the entrance freya wonders past, completely unaware of the situation mind, and glares between us winking at me.

'whats wrong?' luke asks his joking manor gone replaced with his concern

'im okay luke its just my brother,hopes dad is coming home soon and if he sees landon he will rip his head off, metaphorically of course' i add quickly at lukes reaction

'so what can i do to help kira' he says i sit down on the coach as luke stands hands in his pocket

' are you able to still hold your offer of keping landon at yours untill his parents or gaurdian shows?' luke eyes light up

'yeah of course anything to save the poor boy from the wrath of his  girlfriends farther'

As he says that my eyes flicker back to what happened upstairs not even ten minutes ago i clear my throat and stand up as i take him upstairs remembering to knock this time.

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