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I see the hollow make a beeline to Hope and Klaus

i feel my chest  shoot in pain as i run like crazy and i throw myself in front of them as we both fall back

the hollow doubles back as i look at them and i sit myself up following its glow

'What are we going to do if any of us has it we die' Josh says as i sigh hearing a  voice in my head

'Your more powerful then you think'

The glow blows all of us away from Hope

i drag myself up screaming in pain against its powers as i jump forwards reaching my arms up as i feel my powers latch onto it as i reel it inside of me 

i feel the hollow take over me my veins turning black as the glow falls from the air

i turn around breathing heavy already feeling the toll of having such a power inside of me

'Why did you do that?!' Klaus yells

'Because i love you all and i cant let anything happen to you!' i say admitting the truth  as my vision blurs

'Kira!' Kol shouts as i feel myself collapsing falling into someones arms

I  wake up laying in a field as i  feel the breeze fly between my fingertips 

i sit myself up seeing someone in the distance the sun preventing me from seeing a face

'Baby' a voice whispers

i  stand up walking closer as the features become clearer those blue eyes them plump lips

'Luke' i whisper softly as he stands before me his eyes wide open

'Its me baby' he smiles as i dive onto him smashing my lips against his as his hands tangle through my hair

'I have so much to say so much to explain' i say crying as he shakes his head wiping my tears

i lean my cheek into his hand as he smiles softly

'It can wait' he says as he pulls me close to him 'God i missed you' he says as he picks me up and presses me against the tree as my hands find there way into his hair

'Im so sorry luke i didnt mean to hurt you' I say as he lies besides me his jacket over us both as he tucks a strand of hair behind  my ear

'I know kira, i forgive you' He smiles as he kisses my cheek as i lay against his chest

'I beat him,garret' I say as he grins

'I knew you would,you did say you would at my funeral by the way thanks for the kiss' he says

'You were there?' wait you felt it' I say surprised as he nods

'Kira we haven't got much time but you need to listen carefully to me carefully it may help you' he says as i smile tracing my hand on his chest as i nod

'You may feel like you have no other option or that your too weak to do anything but you need to remember' he says then he groans sitting up as he places his hands on  my face 'Your stronger than you think and feel' he smiles

Just i'm about to respond water falls from my mouth

'Luke?' i say confused

'You need to wake up' he says 'Kira wake up!' he yells

I open my eyes seeing myself surrounded in water

i push myself upwards taking a big gasp of air as i reach the top of the surface

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