two down

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i walk into the compound meeting klaus 'sister what do i owe this pleasure?' he says holding  a stake in his hand

i step back looking at the stake he sees this and places it back into the draw 'its not for you sister we were planning on training hope to avoid getting staked but shes been in her room all evening'  he says taking a drink offereing a glass to me

'no thank you' he shruggs and  takes a big gulp

'why havent you been up there?' i ask he smirks

'apparantly teenagers love to lock doors' i smile

'why do you seem so agitated' i ask he sighs

'i normally check up on her  its a routine i have when she sleeps' i look at him confused 'after the hollow took over her we feared her life as she was slowly dying so every night id sit in her room and watch over her why she sleeps listening to her heart beat making sure she was breathing' he says taking a large gulp i shake my head

' i didnt know it was that serious' i say looking down 'hey well back in the tomb i found a way to overcome door locks  so i could give it a try' he thinks about it and slowly nods with uncertainty

i smile and head up stairs him close behind me opefully shes managed to climb up to her room now.

As i hear the final click of the lock i  open the door to see  hope painting on a large canvas i smile as klaus walks in hope spins around trying to cover the painting

'dad what are you doing here?'  she says shocked klaus smirks peeping behind her

'whats this?' she smiles shyly as she steps aside

'well it was suppose to be a surprise  but..'

i have a closer look and see a painting of klaus and the background is a wolf howling at the moon dripping with blood i gasp in awe

'you did this?' i ask she nods 'its..' i start speechless

'its amazing hope i love it' klaus says embracing her hope looks at me and smiles i turn around and walk  out closing the door behind  as i bump into someone i look up seeing marcel

'jesus marcel you scared me' i say he smiles

'my apologies' i smile

I start to walk off as my hair is yanked back and my body is launched over the balcany my body landing with a loud thud i groan in pain and roll over on my back groaning as i feel my bones shifting over

'kl-' i try to scream but my voice is cut off by blood and sick pouring from the back of my throat

i wipe my hand across my mouth and  squint my eyes to try and clear my blurred vision i see an outline of marcel coming closer towards me  as i try to crawl back pain shooting all across my ribs i fall flat back as marcel wrapps his hands around my kneck

'klaus' i say coming out like a whisper as my vision darkens

'marcel what are you doing!?' rebekah yells i try to hit him but my arms are restricted by his foot

'MARCEL!!' she screams as i see her jump on his back pulling him back

He spins towards her i lift my head up as she tries to fight him off she pushes him far against the wall as the sounds threatons my ears i feel her hands wrap around me as she lifts me off the floor

'KLAUS!' she screams just before she dropps me harshly to the floor as i hear her scream in pain i look up and blink a few times seing his teeth rip into her kneck as she pushes him off staggering backwards as klaus appears throwing him far back against the wall

'klaus step out the way!' i hear davina shout as my eyes continue to go in and out of focus

i hear davina mutter latin as marcel is trapped in the corner of the room pounding at in invisable wall, i smell kol's scent on me as im lifted off the floor

'rebekah' i whisper before i fall limp agaisnt kols arms.

elijahs pov

I walk into the compound 'brother the vampires are dealt with they were...' i see the scene infront of me marcel locked in the corner by a wall davina infront of him with freya

'what happend?' i ask i look around and see rebekah lying on the sofa sweat beads across her forehead

'rebekah?' i say panicked as i run over to her  and place my hand on her head

'whats wrong with her' i ask klaus  tilts her head to the side revealing  a bite mark discouloured i look over at marcel and feel pure anger and stand up and go near to him

'elijah no wait!' i hear i look back seeing kira trying to sit up with the help of Kol

'what happend?' i ask worried for my other sister i aid kol in lying her back down

'its not marcel his possesed by something' she whispers

'hallucinations?' i ask she shakes her head

'something else' she says before she begins to cough erraticly before scrunching up her face in agony

'kira?' kol says worried  she opens her eyes up barely 'i can remove it i just nee-' the blood erupting from her mouth stopps her from continuing she coughs up chunks as she begins to choke as kol sits her up blood pouring  from her mouth,dripping until she finaly stops falling against Kol  'i just need to heal' she whispers  before her eyes roll to the back of her head while rebekah on cue starts calling out to klaus not to dagger her again

'im not going to dagger you sweetheart rebekah im not going to dagger you' he looks up at me

'freya!!' kol shouts  she runs over touching onto rebekahs head relieving some of the pain before touching kiras cheek with the back of her hand

'what happened' she asks

'she threw up everywhere and passed out' kol says

'she said she can help she can remove the possesion of marcel she just needs to heal, can you do that sister?' i ask she smiles

' i can try' she says rolling up her sleeves 'kol when i start the spell re set her rib okay but keep her laying straight' he nods

i smile and place a simple kiss on her hand   praying both my sisters will pull through


so sorry ive left it on a cliff hanger i just feel like i havent done one in ages

so i did elijahs pov  as he is one of the siblings pov that i havent done and as how close elijah is with rebekah in the series i wanted to continue that

Edit 3/1/21
just adding paragraphs to make it easier to read

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