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'just relax' Rebekah says as we stand at the reception of the day spa

'how can i relax when kol is missing and im a constant target?' i ask

'well no one will attack you today and you need this your way too stressed out  and with the thing with luke you need this' she says as the receptinist comes over

'im not like you rebekah' i say slightly snapping

a day at the spa isnt going to fix things with luke and it definitely isnt going to help save kol

i feel a hand engulf mine as i look up seeing josh smiling softly at me  as he softly gives my hand a squeez  i take a deep breath  as we all walk into the spa room

'so we're going to start off with the facial then we'll move on with something else okay' the woman says as she sits us all down

i look at josh as he smiles i sigh heavily and sit down i feel her massaging my face as i close my eyes

'see isn't this amazing kira?' rebekah says

'yeah just amazing(!)' i say shortly as i hear josh stiffle a laugh

i open my eyes seeing josh and rebekahs face covered in some green muck

i shake my head as the woman walks over to me she nods and walks away i close my eyes and after a few minutes i feel hands on my cheek

'oh i already said-' i start

'oh no this is just moisteriser' she smiles as i nod hesitantly something about this woman feels off

after a while she smiles and walks off down the coridoor and thats when i see another woman come out with nail polish

you know what i cant do this i cant be here

i slowly stand up holding my finger to my lips at the woman as she smiles softly pointing to a door behind her

I pull of the spa dressing gown and walk out onto the street I'm so done with all this shit I will find kol even if it kills me

I storm off down the street my face suddenly feeling itchy I scratch at it and carry on walking as I'm moments away from the compound  my face starts to burn like really burn I start to winse and squirm as I scratch at it even more feeling my face on fire

I start to pick up the pace running to the compound

'Kira what are you doing here?' Elijah says shutting his book ' I thought you was at the spa' he says I ignore him groaning in pain as I vamp speed up to the bathroom crashing against the sink

I smash on the tap and splash my face with water which for some reason makes it worse I collapse to the floor screaming in pain

'Kira!' Elijah says running over to me as he pulls me up as I fall against him standing just barely

'Freya!' Elijah yells as he carry's next towards my room placing me on my bed

'What the hell happened to her?' She says rushing over pushing my hair out of my face as she grabs my chin examining me

'The spa' I whisper

'The spa what do you mean?' Elijah says

'Rebekah,Josh' I pant as he finally understands and shoots up grabbing out his phone

'Get out of there now!' He demands as he switches it off and walks back over to me

Freya holds her hand over my face as the burning sensation vanishes

'What the bloody hell was that?' Klaus says walking over

'Vervain  and wolfspane aswell as the the cream that weakens witches' she says

'How did this happen at a local spa? And where the bloody hell is Rebekah!' He yells

'I'm here' Rebekah says walking in with  josh 'I don't understand me and josh we're fine' she says in disbelief

'Right well we're heading back to that spa now move it!' He demands as Elijah and Rebekah leave

Josh sits down next to me 'I'm sorry I didn't realise you was in trouble' he says as I shake my head

'You wasn't to know, I just couldn't stand being there I need to be out here finding kol' I say as he nods

'Okay so let's do that let's find kol' he smiles

'Thank you' I murmur as he lies down next to me kissing my cheek  as I feel my eyes heavy

'She's the all powerfull hybrid but can't figure out a simple message it's ridiculous' a figure laughs

'Poor vulnerable Kira always placing her family in danger' another yells

'I'm not I don't understand' I yell

'Your family isn't all you think they are there are secrets living deep within your mind unlock them decipher the code before it's too late' one says

'You only have two weeks left' one laughs

'No I have longer there was a month' I say annoyed

'Everyday that goes past without discovery is the opportunity for a punishment Kira figure it out!' They yell as I feel a sharp pain on my wrist

I shoot up grabbing my wrist my forehead streaming with sweat

'Kira!?' Josh says panicked

'I'm running out of time' I whisper as I squeeze my wrist to relieve some pain

I pull my hand away seeing a tattoo of some sort a tribal symbol

'What is that?' Josh asks

'I don't know' I say confused as I look closely at it


The Tribal symbol is in the photo above the start of the chapter

This was a filler chapter next chapter is going to be a slight time skip and very action full stay tuned

Edit 10/1/21

Around about this chapter i started to use paragraphs as i had then started to understand where to put them in but i'm still going through it all just to add any i may have missed as there are some long paragraphs that i think should be split in two

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