sibling reunion

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'Freya!' i say concerned as i stagger over to her falling on the floor below her

i reach my hands on the sofa and push myself up as i place my hands on her cheeks shaking her softly

'Freya, freya can you hear me?' i say panicked as she doesn't respond

i place my head on her chest as i hear her breathing just slightly thank god

i stroke her face softly as her hair moves to the side as i see a fresh bite wound the blood stained around it

'Freya what have they done to you?' i whisper upset

'Nothing yet princess' a voice sneers

i kiss her slightly on her head before turning around seeing a dirty man his mouth stained with blood

'Oh' i laugh bitterly 'You have had your last drop of blood today mate' i growl before running at him throwing a punch to his face as he stumbles to the  side

'Your dead bitch' he growls back as he delivers a punch to my side

i stumble slightly backwards as he takes the chance to kick me in my stomach sending me flying through the coffee table as i get up growling at him

I run at him punching him in the stomach then delivering a punch to the side of his head  as i raise my hands at him which was suppose to send him flying back but doesn't 

i look up confused as his hand wraps around my neck as he slams me to the floor as his knee sits on my chest as he squeezes tighter as my breathing shortens 

I try to hit his arms but he uses his other knee to hold my arm down i feel each breath harder to take before a loud bang sounds through the house causing my ears to ring as i feel blood splatter against my face

A few moments later i come back to my senses as i push the dead body off me as i sit myself up slightly groaning

I wipe the blood from my face and look up at the owner of the gun that's when i see Garret himself

'You!' i growl as i try to stand up but fail as i fall back down

he looks at me and holds his hand out i scoff and smack it away

'I'm not the bad guy here Akira' he says softly

'Yeah that's why you kidnapped me' i say

'You came willingly' he replies

'Yes forced by your hand and you allowed your blood sucking assholes to feed off of my pregnant sister!' i yell

'i didn't allow it  and that's why i shot him for you' he says

'Don't pretend you did this for the right reasons' i hiss

'Do you really think of me that low to harm a mother and her child?' he asks

'Yes that's exactly what i think' i say through clenched teeth

'Akira you will soon learn i'm not the bad guy here' he sighs as i stand myself up standing inches away from him

'You will always be the bad guy and the names Kira, Kira Mikaelson' i spit as he rolls his eyes

'Kira' a voice says weakly

i turn around seeing Freya slowly waking up i scowl at Garret and walk over to her as i help her sit up

she takes short breaths as she places her arm around me as she sighs in relief as i look towards Garret clenching my jaw

'You'll soon learn the truth Akira and when you do you will know which family is worth keeping' he says before walking off

I see as someone in a cloak waves her hands

The Original  Sibling ( First Edition ) Where stories live. Discover now