Its All My Fault

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The door opens as Luke looks at me panic running through his eyes

'Kira!' he yells as he grabs my face pulling me inside the flat as he closes the door looking me over

'what happened?' he says panicked

'its landon.. i hurt him badly...'i say as he looks  at me confused and worried

he  grabs my shoulders and pulls me inside as he walks with me to the sofa as he pulls me down to the sofa as i lie my head on his lap his fingers running through my hair

'hey kira you need to tell me what happened because my mind is going crazy right now' he softly chuckles nervously

'i hurt Landon.. but i didn..didn't mean to i was tricked i thought' i say crying sitting up beside him looking him in the eyes

'kira what do you mean tricked you' he says a tear falling down his face

i look up at him and wipe his tear 'you have to believe me i would never hurt Landon i love that kid' i cry

'i know i know i believe you' he whispers kissing me softly

'i was drugged i thought it was someone else i saw someone else' i explain

'where is he' he asks softly i could try he was trying not to cry

'at the compound   i tried to heal him but my powers there...stopped working and i couldnt.. i was too late' i cry as he looks at me breathing heavy as he stands up

'what are you saying?' he says anxiously  standing in the middle of the room

'Landon his...his dead' i say before bursting into tears

Luke looks at me his breathing erratic as he looks at me biting his lip

'his dead?' he says quietly before looking at me shocked as i shoot straight up

'but i didn't mean to.. i didn't i couldn't im sorry i'd never hurt him' i say hyperventaling

'hey hey' luke says before pulling my head  to his shoulder as i cry into it his hands stroking my hair

'kira it wasn't your fault' he says

'Hope hates me' i whisper

'no she doesnt' he says 'shes just hurting' he soothes

'look at my face i killed him its my fault..' i say before he lifts up my legs and carries me to the bedroom

he lays me on his chest stroking my hair untill the pain disapears in my sleep

Luke POV

when her soft snores fill the room i leave a note by the door and grab my boots jumping in my jeep racing over to the compound as i run through the doors

'Luke?' Elijah says shocked

'where is he?' i ask tears in my eyes

'Luke i..' he starts

'Luke?' a voice says shocked

'Hope' i sigh as she runs towards me as i hug her tightly

'Luke his dead' she cries

'i know darling i know' i say sadly

'we're about to bury him if you want to stay' Elijah says softly

i let go of hope but hold her at my side as i smile softly down to her

'i'd love that' i say as we walk slowly outside

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