The great escape

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'his a wolf' i say

'Kira' Freya shrieks as she hugs me tight then pulls away confused

'What?' she says

'His eyes turned orange when he was mad then he smashed up his office' i say smirking

'That's bad' she says

'Why is he going to turn into the big bad wolf and eat us' I laugh as she rolls her eyes

'Kira you need to eat more i mean it i'm not going to watch you collapse again' she says

Wolf, transforming,changing

'Kira are you listening?' she says

'Is the bracelet stuck on your wrist like your shape that your currently in?' i ask

'i guess so what do you mean' she asks

'say if you changed your shape like changed from a human to a fairy for example the bracelet wouldn't stay on like it isnt linked to you is it only your shape?' i say as i pace backwards and forwards my brain exploding with ideas

'Yeah its only stuck to your body not your soul' She says

'Thats it then i just have to change' i say as she looks at me confused

'What do you mean?' she says as i walk over sitting by her as i talk hushed

'If i turn into a wolf then  the bracelet will no longer be on me and we can get us out' i say

'Possibly but you would have to change into a wolf then quickly morph back to even use your power' She says

'I could do that' i say

'But are you forgetting that you have to kill an innocent' Freya says as i take a deep breath

'I forgot about that' i sigh as she  rubs my back softly

'Hey foods up' Number five calls in  

I glare at him as he slides the plates over i pass Freya my plate over as i pick up hers and throw it at number five

'Tell him i don't want his dirty food' i say

number five grumbles as he steps through the doorframe before he punches me straight across my face

i fall to the floor as i spit out blood as he boots me in my side i catch his foot pushing him back as he falls down before  i climb on top of him punching as more guards run in

they start to punch me as they all kick me as one holds a screaming Freya back  as i wince in pain

'Get off her!' Freya screams

i see one of them punch Freya straight across the face as she falls to her side

They all walk out as number five looks at me smirking 'starve for all i care' he spits before walking out

freya runs over to me tending to my wounds

'I have to transform and if i have to kill an innocent its a risk i have to take Freya they could of killed you and your baby' i say as a tear falls down my face

A few hours later number five comes back

'Hey meathead go and get my brother i want a word with him' I say as he smirks standing there

'GARETTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!' I scream as he appears in front of me

'Who did that?' He says looking at my face as number five disapears

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