new clues

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i walk into hopes room as she sits next to Landon hand on his leg as they  talked in low whispers

'you wanted to talk to me?' i say as they both look up towards me

'i'll go and check on luke' hope says before walking off

i sit down on the bed next to Landon as he fiddles with his hands in his lap

'im guessing your wondering why that woman's eyes were glowing yellow and why i smashed her head in?' i ask as he slowly nods

'Right you have to promise me you wont freak out okay so no running off nothing okay?' i say

'okay' he says after a moment

'Right, the woman in the bathroom' i start 'the waitress she was a werewolf  and she was ordered by someone to kill hope' i say as he sits there in silence as he looks at me confused

'are you okay?' i ask slightly concerned

'yeah, no ,maybe i was actually wondering  where i come into this?' he says

'what do you mean?' i ask confused why does he want me to explain it why didn't he just ask hope?

'i didn't want to mention anything in front of hope but when i was in hospital they were taking way too much blood from me and i was a bit confused'

'they were vampires trying to get a few bloodbags from you' i say

'yes i know that but they mentioned a name when they thought i was unconscious' he starts 'kira they mentioned your name' he says

'my name? what was they saying about me' i ask slightly concerned but more intrigued

'they said that apparently according to prophesy the lost child would come to new Orleans reunited with the sibling and take over the great power once and for all' he says

'are you meaning to tell me they phophesised that i would return find my siblings and take over the power of the hollow? how can that be possible' i say confused

'your family has been around for a long time and you did reunite with your siblings and you did take over that hollow thing' he says

I'm guessing hope told him everything  is this what i will have to do with luke or will he forget everything that he seen

'thank you Landon for telling me this' i say as i start to walk out of the room

'wait that's not it' he starts as i turn back around to face him once again


'when i was unconscious they mentioned something about supernatural substances in my blood and something about something called compulsion not working,they said I'm one of a kind something they hadn't seen in a while, i wanted to ask hope but i don't want to worry her about it if its nothing' he says

'ill check it out can you remeber anything else they said about  you?' i ask as he thinks

'they mentioned something about resurrection as a a trigger or something' he shrugs

'okay ill have a look I'm sure its nothing' i smile

'thank you kira' he murmbles softly before i walk down the stairs to join the others

'I'm going to sleep at kols will you let me know if luke wakes up' I ask

'sure want me to come with you?' Elijah asks

'no I'll be fine  thank you i just need to catch some sleep before i confront him and ruin everything' i smile forcefully

'kira' freya says as she grabs my arm before i leave 'if he loves you I'm sure he'll understand' she smiles

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