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Kira's POV:

i try to sit up as elijah pulls me back down toward him

'Kira please lay back down your bloods haven't transfered yet if you get up now your just going to pass right back out' Elijah says

'But Luke,Luke he was here?' i say trying to picture if what i dreamed was true

'Yes he was but he had to go' he sighs as he helps me to sit up besides him,my body weight leaning against his

i look at him confused 'Why was he here?' i ask

'Kira his the one who brought you in he tried to help you' he says as he looks at me 'dont you remember?'

i shake my head slowly

'Her memory will still be slightly fuzzy from the spell' a voice says

i look up seeing  a beautifully dark toned man with a beard of some sorts staring at me his eyes full with confusion and interest

'im sorry' i say quietly 'who's this?' i ask facing elijah  as he glances at him then back to me

'Vincent this is Kira, Kira this is Vincent' he says as i look up at Vincent as he holds his hand out to me

'His the man who saved your life' Elijah says as i gasp and shake his hand

'I've been excited to meet you' Vincent says as i let his hand go

'Is that the necklace?' he says gesturing towards my neck as i glance at Vincent

'He knows kira, his been with us for a long time, he knows all about the hollow he has been a loyal companion fighting alongside us' Elijah says i glance wearily up at vincent

'so your the new Mikaelson huh?' he laughs as i nod

'you know when Marcel told me what you did with the hollow i didnt believe him one bit but now seeing you here in person im starting to believe, Kira theoracticly you shouldn't be alive right now you should be dead' he says bluntly

'yeah?' i say 'it seems im pretty hard to kill apparantly' i laugh softly as i winse slightly Elijah rubbing my back

'it is strange how your still alive i've never seen anyone like you' vincent says

'like me?' i say confused

'someone to survive so many attacks' he says

'well im a mikaelson its in our blood' i smile looking up at Elijah

'And taking in the hollow, kira no one has ever been able to do that in a while never not without killing themselves in the process its amazing' he says

'it was nothing' i say brushing him off

'it wasn't nothing kira' Vincent says smiling ' I hope you don't mind but i'd like to try and see why that it find out who you really are species wise' he says

'but i already know who i am i'm a tribrid' i say

'no kira i believe your much more' he says as i begin to cough as Elijah rubs my back as he looks up at Vincent

'Maybe we should let her rest up first?' he says protectivly

'of course how rude of me try not to put to much of a strain on your body and no more battling agaisnt the supernatural got it?' he says smirking

'yeah i got it' i softly chuckle as Elijah stands up and carefully lies me back down  as darkness takes over me

Klaus POV

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