Chapter 3

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Two weeks later

After a long, terrible day with three people dying on my watch as I manned the ER after a building crashed down on the Riverwalk, all I want to do is go to mine and Erin's apartment and dance the night and my sorrows away with a bottle of wine or tequila.

5 minute dance off? I'm buying alcohol

I finish texting Erin and then start walking to my car in the doctor's parking of the hospital.

Yes please. It was a shitty day

I smile at Erin's reply and unlock my car.

I drive off to the liquor store and get a bottle of tequila. I'm in the wine aisle when I hear a familiar voice calling my name.

"Stalking me now?" I ask Antonio as he smirks. In his arms is a six pack beer and vodka.

"Yeah I always stalk hot girls... especially when-"

"They save your life? Yeah you've said that before" I cut him off making him laugh, "You're a tough cookie to break, I'll tell you that."

I scoff, "You won't ever break me and do not ever call me a cookie again, understood?"

"Loud and clear doctor, loud and clear"

"Enjoy your evening detective" I smile and pay for my alcohol. I feel Antonio's breath in the back of my neck making me roll my eyes in annoyance. "Is there a reason that you're hovering?"

Antonio laughs, "I'm paying for my stuff as well. What are you doing tonight?"

"Drinking with Erin, how about you?"

"Drinking with Jay, hey, can we come over and party together?"

"If you're willing to dance it out, then yeah"

"Dance it out, what the hell does that mean?"

I chuckle, "See now you've hurt my feelings, you don't even know what dance it out means and you want to party with us? Enjoy your beer Dawson"

Antonio groans, "Come on, we want to party with the prettiest girls in Chicago"

"If you can figure out my address then maybe you can"

Antonio smirks, "You're forgetting one thing pretty girl. I'm a detective, I can figure out what's your favourite colour with just one search"

"Then we might see you later."

I walk out of the store with a smile on my face. God, I like this guy.


Four five minute dance offs later, half a bottle of tequila polished, the doorbell rang. I already told Erin about mine and Antonio's conversation and since she's trying to get over Kelly Severide, she's keen for Jay Halstead to join.

Jay; Antonio and Erin along with Hank Voight; Jules Wilhide and Al Olinsky formed the new Intelligence team a few weeks ago and so far Erin's excelling. So much better than patrol at the 31st , like she had said.

I opened the door not even caring that I had no makeup on, only shorts and a T-shirt since for once Chicago's hot, with my hair in a bun.

"Look who it is, I guess you found the address" I smirk as Antonio's eyes travel up and down my body. I clear my throat with a raised eyebrow and I see Jay smirk

Antonio blushes, "I told you I can find out anything pretty girl. Can we join you, we brought alcohol"

"Then you two may enter" I smile and hug Jay who I have met 4 times now. I give Antonio a hug as well and smile as he tightens his arms around me. I pull away and we join Erin on the couch. The four of us enjoy an evening of drinks, talking and getting to know each other. Luckily we don't have work tomorrow.

"You guys can't drive home in the state we're all in, so why don't you stay?" Erin asks at 4am when we're all ready to pass out from exhaustion and the alcohol.

"You sure? Antonio's place isn't too far from here-"

"Nonsense" Erin cuts in and I nod my head, "Please stay, we can make up a Christmas bed or something."

"Really? How old are we?" Jay asks me and I glare playfully at him as he and Antonio laughs. "Fine, you can sleep outside and Erin and I will make up the Christmas bed, sleep in only our underwear and cuddle each other."

Erin laughs and agrees with me. "Christmas bed sounds amazing" Antonio says and Jay agrees. I roll my eyes and the boys help us move my mattress down the hall into the living room. I switch on a movie while Erin and Jay went into the kitchen to get popcorn and pizza. Antonio stays with me and helps me make up the mattress.

"Thanks for letting us stay, I really didn't want to drive back home"

"It's because you can spoon pretty ladies now, isn't it?"

"You caught me" Antonio gives me a shit-eating grin and I chuckle. I throw a pillow to him and he catches it.

"So what can you tell me about yourself? All I really know is that you're insanely beautiful and you're one hell of a surgeon."

I blush slightly, "You can take me out on a date and then I will share my entire life with you"

"Just like that?"

"Just like that"

Antonio smiles, "Alright pretty girl, how does Friday sound?"

"Friday's perfect"

Antonio beams at me and gets ready to say something but the noisy detectives come back with pizza and popcorn.

The four of us settle in on the mattress, Antonio's on my left side while Erin's next to me and Jay's on her other side.

I make myself comfortable in Antonio's arms as I fall asleep.

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